Saturday, December 27, 2014

The Consequences of Gun Control - Some Examples

1. In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915-1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves against their ethnic-cleansing government, were arrested and exterminated.

2. In 1929, the former Soviet Union established gun control as a means of controlling the "more difficult" of their citizens. From 1929 to the death of Stalin, 40 million Soviets met an untimely end at the hand of various governmental agencies as they were arrested and exterminated.

3. After the rise of the Nazi's, Germany established their version of gun control in 1938 and from 1939 to 1945, 13 million Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, the mentally ill, and others, who were unable to defend themselves against the "Brown Shirts," were arrested and exterminated. Interestingly, the Brown Shirts were eventually targeted for extermination themselves following their blind acts of allegiance to Hitler. Any American military and police would be wise to grasp the historical significance of the Brown Shirts' fate.

4. After Communist China established gun control in 1935, an estimated 50 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves against their fascist leaders, were arrested and exterminated.

5. Closer to home, Guatemala established gun control in 1964. From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayans, unable to defend themselves against their ruthless dictatorship, were arrested and exterminated.

6. Uganda established gun control in 1970. From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves from their dictatorial government, were arrested and exterminated.

7. Cambodia established gun control in 1956. From 1975 to 1977, one million of the "educated" people, unable to defend themselves against their fascist government, were arrested and exterminated.

8. In 1994, Rwanda disarmed the Tutsi people and being unable to defend themselves from their totalitarian government, nearly one million were summarily executed.

Read more at:

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Letter to Joe Wilson (R-SC2)

You have saved Federal employees in District 2 from several weeks of furlough. In the past this has never resulted in anything but a paid vacation.

You have funded the President and his administration for the entire fiscal year. His EO for amnesty for illegals, his pro-death abortion funding, his illegal subsidy payments for PPACA to states which chose not to set up state exchanges, his refusal to faithfully execute laws passed by the peoples' representatives, his lies and fraud, etc will continue.

The new Representatives and Senators elected in November 2014 will have no voice in the funding decisions until 1 October 2015! They may object to what has been done, but you and other “establishment Republicans” (RiNOs) will quickly silence them! Your conduct since 2001 has been merely acting conservative. You are definitely out of the closet now! Your Heritage Action score has fallen from 94 to 70.

The lives of the babies who will be killed will be on your hands. I wrote in Mike Stake, the Chairman of the Aiken County TEA Party, to avoid voting for you. That 53% still voted for you shows that Professor Gruber was correct – at least in District 2!

Friday, December 12, 2014

Slavery Reparations

___In the recent rioting, the topic of reparations for slavery came up again. The topic is usually disregarded without reply. I think that even the most specious claims which are continually put forward by race demogogues should be debated thoroughly once and for all.

___Those in favor of reparations (seekers) want money. That money would come from the government – taken by force from taxpayers. The seekers do not want to go to civil court and prove that a specific person harmed them. They want money. Their only claim is that they are black.

___The President claims to be black. His mother was not, and his father supposedly* was a Kenyan named Barack Obama. Obviously neither his mother's ancestors nor his “father's” ancestors in Kenya would qualify for harm by being enslaved in the United States.

___Obviously not everyone who is black or who claims to be black is descended from victims of slavery just like not everyone who claims to be part-”Native American” should receive a part of profits from a casino located on tribal lands. Also not all slaves were victims. Many were prisoners of other tribes in Africa which sold them to European slave traders. They were purchased by families who thought of them more as family than property – certainly better than prisoners of opposing tribes or slave traders. An example is Mrs. Tubman in Augusta, GA who freed her slaves and paid for their passage to Liberia, Africa in the early 1800s when her husband died. Since slaves were legally “property”, this was a great sacrifice of a significant portion of her net worth.

___We are a nation of laws. Instead of illegally harming innocent people or destroying the property of innocent business owners, personal injury should be proved in civil courts before a judge and jury of peers.

* In the movie Dreams From My Real Father, Barry Soetoro is the bastard child of a married neighbor^ of the Dunhams. Because Stanley Anne's father worked for the CIA and the neighbor was a Communist Party USA member, a cover story was created. Barack Obama was a CIA-sponsored scholar from Kenya studying in Hawaii. He was bribed to “marry” Stanley Anne. He was allowed to stay in the United States and complete his Ph.D. degree at Harvard. He divorced Stanley Anne shortly after the marriage. She then married Leo Soetoro. Barry was raised by Stanley Anne's parents. When he entered politics, he took the name Barack Obama. Most of his records are sealed or inconveniently located to make vetting nearly impossible. Facts like living with a Muslim, anti-colonialist father and attending Muslim schools in the 6-10 formative years and attending prep school and college on affirmative-action scholarships are surpressed. Also surpressed is his close personal friendship with domestic terrorist/murderer Bill Ayers and the influence Bill's father (CEO of ConEd) used to get Barry into Columbia University and Harvard Law School.

^ Frank Marshall Davis

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Bill Benson's findings, published in "The Law That Never Was," make a convincing case that the 16th amendment was not legally ratified and that Secretary of State Philander Knox was not merely in error, but committed fraud when he declared it ratified in February 1913. What follows is a summary of some of the major findings for many of the states, showing that their ratifications were not legal and should not have been counted.

The 16th amendment had been sent out in 1909 to the state governors for ratification by the state legislatures after having been passed by Congress. There were 48 states at that time, and three-fourths, or 36, of them were required to give their approval in order for it to be ratified. The process took almost the whole term of the Taft administration, from 1909 to 1913.

Knox had received responses from 42 states when he declared the 16th amendment ratified on February 25, 1913, just a few days before leaving office to make way for the administration of Woodrow Wilson. Knox acknowledged that four of those states (Utah, Conn, R.I. and N.H.) had rejected it, and he counted 38 states as having approved it. We will now examine some of the key evidence Bill Benson found regarding the approval of the amendment in many of those states.

In Kentucky, the legislature acted on the amendment without even having received it from the governor (the governor of each state was to transmit the proposed amendment to the state legislature). The version of the amendment that the Kentucky legislature made up and acted upon omitted the words "on income" from the text, so they weren't even voting on an income tax! When they straightened that out (with the help of the governor), the Kentucky senate rejected the amendment. Yet Philander Knox counted Kentucky as approving it!

In Oklahoma, the legislature changed the wording of the amendment so that its meaning was virtually the opposite of what was intended by Congress, and this was the version they sent back to Knox. Yet Knox counted Oklahoma as approving it, despite a memo from his chief legal counsel, Reuben Clark, that states were not allowed to change it in any way.

Attorneys who have studied the subject have agreed that Kentucky and Oklahoma should not have been counted as approvals by Philander Knox, and, moreover, if any state could be shown to have violated its own state constitution or laws in its approval process, then that state's approval would have to be thrown out. That gets us past the "presumptive conclusion" argument, which says that the actions of an executive official cannot be judged by a court, and admits that Knox could be wrong.

If we subtract Kentucky and Oklahoma from the 38 approvals above, the count of valid approvals falls to 36, the exact number needed for ratification. If any more states can be shown to have had invalid approvals, the 16th amendment must be regarded as null and void.

The state constitution of Tennessee prohibited the state legislature from acting on any proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution sent by Congress until after the next election of state legislators. The intent, of course, is to give the proposed amendment a chance to become an issue in the state legislative elections so that the people can have a voice in determining the outcome. It also provides a cooling off period to reduce the tendency to approve an idea just because it happens to be the moment's trend. You've probably already guessed that the Tennessee legislature did not hold off on voting for the amendment until after the next election, and you'd be right - they didn't; hence, they acted upon it illegally before they were authorized to do so. They also violated their own state constitution by failing to read the resolution on three different days as prescribed by Article II, Section 18. These state constitutional violations make their approval of the amendment null and void. Their approval is and was invalid, and it brings the number of approving states down to 35, one less than required for ratification.

Texas and Louisiana violated provisions in their state constitutions prohibiting the legislatures from empowering the federal government with any additional taxing authority. Now the number is down to 33.

Twelve other states, besides Tennessee, violated provisions in their constitutions requiring that a bill be read on three different days before voting on it. This is not a trivial requirement. It allows for a cooling off period; it enables members who may be absent one day to be present on another; it allows for a better familiarity with, and understanding of, the measure under consideration, since some members may not always read a bill or resolution before voting on it (believe it or not!). States violating this procedure were: Mississippi, Ohio, Arkansas, Minnesota, New Mexico, West Virginia, Indiana, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Colorado, and Illinois. Now the number is reduced to 21 states legally ratifying the amendment.

When Secretary Knox transmitted the proposed amendment to the states, official certified and sealed copies were sent. Likewise, when state results were returned to Knox, it was required that the documents, including the resolution that was actually approved, be properly certified, signed, and sealed by the appropriate official(s). This is no more than any ordinary citizen has to do in filing any legal document, so that it's authenticity is assured; otherwise it is not acceptable and is meaningless. How much more important it is to authenticate a constitutional amendment! Yet a number of states did not do this, returning uncertified, unsigned, and/or unsealed copies, and did not rectify their negligence even after being reminded and warned by Knox. The most egregious offenders were Ohio, California, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Minnesota - which did not send any copy at all, so Knox could not have known what they even voted on! Since four of these states were already disqualified above, California is now subtracted from the list of valid approvals, reducing it to 20.

These last five states, along with Kentucky and Oklahoma, have particularly strong implications with regard to the fraud charge against Knox, in that he cannot be excused for not knowing they shouldn't have been counted. Why was he in such a hurry? Why did he not demand that they send proper documentation? They never did.

Further review would make the list dwindle down much more, but with the number down to 20, sixteen fewer than required, this is a suitable place to rest, without getting into the matter of several states whose constitutions limited the taxing authority of their legislatures, which could not give to the federal govern authority they did not have.

The results from the six states Knox had not heard from at the time he made his proclamation do not affect the conclusion that the amendment was not legally ratified. Of those six: two (Virginia and Pennsylvania) he never did hear from, because they ignored the proposed amendment; Florida rejected it; two others (Vermont and Massachusetts) had rejected it much earlier by recorded votes, but, strangely, submitted to the Secretary within a few days of his ratification proclamation that they had passed it (without recorded votes); West Virginia had purportedly approved it at the end of January 1913, but its notification had not yet been received (remember that West Virginia had violated its own constitution, as noted above).

Friday, December 5, 2014

I Have a Dream

___I have a dream that the Congress will pass budget appropriations bills and Constitutional legislation to properly manage America. I have a dream that the Executive will faithfully execute the laws passed by the peoples' representatives and will protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. I have a dream that the courts will be guided in their decisions by the Constitution and the intents of the framers rather than their own prejudices.

___I have a dream that governments and businesses will be able to hire on the basis of skills and knowledge rather than the color of one's skin - or gender or sexual orientation. I have a dream that schools and universities will admit students and hire instructors on the basis of ability.

___I have a dream that science will be known for ideas which can be tested rather than speculation which can not, and that peer reviews will be honest. I have a dream that religion will be known for ideas that are Bible-based rather than on that which makes us comfortable.

___I have a dream that marriage between a man and a woman and individual responsibility and initiative will again become the basis of the strength of America. I have a dream that parents will be responsible to train up children in the way they should go.

___I have a dream that the United Nations will be a forum for cooperation rather than for politics and division. I have a dream that other nations will clean their own air and water like the United States has - without American taxpayers having to pay their bill. I have a dream that Americans will be truly thankful for the abundant resources that God has given us, and that we will be faithful stewards.

___These dreams will not be realized by man's actions. Mankind is sinful. They are possible only when Jesus returns. Come quickly Lord!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

What the House of Representatives Should Do

___Republicans in the House of Representatives have boasted that they have passed over 300 bills only to see them tabled by Harry Reid when they reached the Senate. Many of those must be budget appropriations bills since that is the main Constitutional function of the House.

___I suggest that the House of Representatives adjourn until January and enjoy the holiday. Harry Reid will then have a choice: 1) let the government shut down for the holidays, or 2) consider and pass budget appropriations bills already passed by the House.

___The leadership in the House is following a knee-jerk reaction and preparing to pass yet another CR to fund the government. If POTUS is a tyrant (and he is!), then why fund him and ignore the results of the November 2014 election. The leadership should reply “We won!” and go home until they have a majority in BOTH the House and the Senate.

___The truth is that the leadership in the House likes big government and large offices and lots of power. An omnibus bill (We have to pass it to see what's in it!) makes it easier to hide illegal and immoral activities. We see that in taxpayer funding for abortion in PPACA.

___If the only action that the leadership in the House will accept is the CR, then the following riders need to be attached: 1) defund any processing of amnesty for illegals, 2) defund any illegal subsidies under PPACA, 3) repeal outdated bans on carbon-based energy exports (1920, 1975 and 1979), and 4) prohibit implementation of Executive Orders and EPA regulations until they can be vetted by the new Congress. If Harry Reid tables the CR, then he will be responsible for shutting down the government on 12 December. Reagan said: “Government is the PROBLEM, not the SOLUTION!”

Monday, December 1, 2014

Continuing Resolutions are Irresponsible and Destructive

___The normally uninformed electorate has repudiated the tyrannical Obama administration policies. To fund the government until the next Congress is seated does not make sense. The GOP has gotten a black eye on previous shutdowns, but the election may be used as a mandate, and the next Congress can quickly right many of the excesses of the “Progressives.”

___If a CR extension is passed, then it should end when the next Congress is seated. It should defund illegal immigration policy and repeal the ban on energy exports (1920, 1975 and 1979) and EPA anti-carbon policies. We have centuries of coal and petroleum resources, and we shoot ourselves in our feet when we restrict American industry while BRIC countries are free to pollute. Note that China has by some measures passed the U.S. as the largest single-nation economy. We are still importing over 7 million barrels of oil each day. Even at reduced prices, that is a significant outflow of capital each day which could be used to build and rebuild American industry and provide jobs rather than incentives to not work.

___The new Congress needs to have budget appropriations bills ready for votes in January. Let Barry shut down the government with a veto if he dares! His tyrannical rule has been funded with GOP support for too long. Boehner and McConnel need to be replaced by Constitutional conservative leadership.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Illegal Rather Than unConstitutional

___People's eyes glaze over when we say something is “unConstitutional” because they have never studied the Constitution. I now prefer “illegal.” It is appropriate to say that POTUS, his AG, the Congress, SCOTUS and lower courts have conducted illegal activities. Each took an oath like I did to “support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.” The difference is that I did not lie.

___The job of the Congress is to represent the people and fund the government by debating the merits of and passing multiple appropriations bills. Instead it waits until the last month and passes a “must pass”, omnibus continuing resolution with “earmarks” like Export/Import Bank which funds the government through 11 December. The Constitution does not allow the federal government to be in the banking business (except for the Fed, which is another topic). Ex/Im was illegal in 1934, and it still is.

___The job of POTUS is to faithfully execute the laws passed by the peoples' representatives in the Congress. This president and his AG have decided cafeteria-style which laws they will execute and which they will ignore. He has generated thousands of regulations which form an illegal administrative body of “laws” (regulations and executive orders) not passed by Congress but having the effect of law.

___The courts responsibilities and limits are described in Article III of the Constitution. Some of the courts have illegally created “laws” (legislated from the bench) and nullified the expressed will of the people.

___The United States is a Constitutional republic – not a democracy. The law is written down in the Constitution. It is not to be changed on a whim by majority vote or by tyrants. Some changes have been very destructive: the 14th, a slavery amendment, has been used to murder more than 55 million babies; the eighteenth, passed to legislate a moral idea, actually organized crime and disrespect for the law and was repealed.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Ferguson Protestors are Opportunistic Criminals

___Anytime someone steals from another it is a crime. They are using this black criminal's death as an excuse. Like POTUS they are not interested in the law (the facts considered by the Grand Jury), they are taking advantage of a created "crisis."

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Gender Bias in the Workplace?

The Equal Pay Act of 1963 requires employers to pay equally regardless of gender if the work and work environment are the same, seniority is the same, quality and quantity of output is the same and other work standards, other than gender, are the same. It is illegal for employers to pay men and women differently under these conditions.

Most of the statistics that are used to “prove” wage discrimination based on gender ignore the law. It is true that a doctor's office with two male doctors and two female nurses, a female billing clerk and a female receptionist will pay males more than females per capita. It is not discrimination under the law because training and skill are different for the males and the females in this example. If a female science teacher with 20 years of experience is paid less than a male science teacher with one year of experience and all other variables are equal, then the employer has probably broken the law and may be sued or put in prison.

We discriminate based on race and gender all of the time. We pass affirmative action laws which give one race preference over another in hiring and promotion and admission to schools. We require males to register for the draft at age 18, but not females.

The arguments based on lies or bad statistics work because government schools in general produce voters without the ability to think critically; who haven't studied our founding documents; and are fed error by an ignorant media who went to those government schools. The director of the Christian school where my children were taught told the students often that “thinking is permitted at all times – without permission!”

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

United States of America War Deaths

War__________ Combat _______Total

Revolutionary___ 8,000 _______25,000

War of 1812____ 2,260 ________15,000

Mexican-US_____ 1,733 ________13,283

Civil-USA______ 140,414 ______364,511

Civil-CSA_______ 74,524 ______299,524

WWI__________ 53,402 ______116,516

WWII_________ 291,557 _____405,399

Korean_______ 33,686 _______36,516

Vietnam______ 47,424 _______58,209

Gulf War______ 149 ___________294

Afghan______ 1,742 _________2,229

Iraq________ 3,527 _________4,488

Total______ 848,163 _____1,321,612

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Creed of the Nanny State by B.H. Obama

“Sometimes, someone, usually mom, leaves the workplace to stay home with the kids, which then leaves her earning a lower wage for the rest of her life as a result. And that’s not a choice we want Americans to make,” Obama said. “So let’s make this happen: By the end of this decade, let’s enroll 6 million children in high-quality preschool, and let’s make sure that we are making America stronger.”

This is the nanny state plan. Note "the rest of her life." The mother training her children in their home is the most important job in America. If the wife is the better provider, then the husband can fulfill the role. Parents are far more important than a nanny - especially if they are Christians. A nanny might not "train up a child in the way he/she should go."

How well is the public school system working?! It is also illegal to pay a woman less than a man for the same job ("lower wage")!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Government Health Policies for Ebola

The policies of the government involving Ebola and other diseases are stupid! The last thing that the United States needs is to introduce diseases which have no cure and are 70% fatal.

The major problem is centered in West Africa. Only 350 miles to the west are the Cape Verde Islands. The entire planet should subsidize a modern medical facility on one of the islands which can be used to isolate the victims from all over the world and tightly control their treatment. This plan was used by the Kingdom of Hawaii in the 19th century to isolate lepers on the island of Molokai.

Over a century ago Ellis Island was used as a screening area for immigrants coming to America. Current day immigrants should also be screened for serious medical conditions. Illnesses which kill millions each year worldwide are not seen here because the diseases have been eridicated. We are again vulnerable to new strains of old diseases and previously unseen diseases.

The TV series “The Last Ship” presents the situation clearly with a deadly virus killing billions worldwide while a lab on the ship is feverishly seeking a cure. There are even elites within the government who sieze the cure once it is found and determine who is worthy of receiving it – and you thought eugenics was dead!

The Center for Disease Control has a vested interest in bringing Ebola patients to the United States. They are already asking for budget increases to “fight this crisis.” We need to prohibit to the greatest extent possible deadly bacteria and viruses from our land.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Women in Islam and Christianity

In Islam, rape of a woman is essentially legal under Sharia. In court, a woman's testimony is worth half as much as that of a man. The victim must produce four witnesses who were present and observed the rape. If the rape is not proved, then the woman may be stoned to death for adultery. Consider the spread of STDs, HIV/AIDS and Ebola in Islamic countries.

Polygamy is acceptable. Muhammed had nine wives and numerous concubines. A man may divorce his wife by declaring: “I divorce you.” A temporary marriage (ie for 3 days) is acceptable.

Circumcision is required for both men and women. Female circumcision is designed to diminish a woman's sexual response, so that she will be less likely to committ adultery.

In current Christianity women are special. God created Eve as a help-mate for Adam. Sex was and should be a blessing within the context of marriage. Rape is a capital crime.

While the man is designated the head of the wife, the context is as Jesus is head of the Church. Husbands are to love their wives as Jesus loved the Church and gave himself for her. Being willing to die a cruel death for her does not describe a domineering man.

Kings David and Solomon were both polygamists. They wrote Psalms and Proverbs lamenting and repenting for their bad decisions. Solomon as a young man describes an intimate and steamy love for his wife. He wrote Ecclesiastes late in life. The theme is that worldly things that men cherish in life are meaningless in the end.

Circumcision of males is practiced within Judaism and among Christians, but there are valid health reasons for the practice.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Research Requested on Historical Topics

In 1860 the northern states were using tariffs to create a business advantage over foreign competitors. With a 22M to 7M population advantage, the northern states controlled national tariff policy. The southern states were forced to send raw resources, like cotton, to northern manufacturers and buy the finished goods from northern stores. This is similar to the situation in 1770 between England and her colonies.

In 1962 Russian ships were enroute to Cuba with missiles which could be used to attack the United States. In 1861 Lincoln sent ships to resupply a United States fort in Charleston harbor. Fort Sumter threatened shipping in and out of this Confederate States of America port. It was attacked and surrendered.

The Great Depression was ended by the pent-up demand due to rationing and the full employment created by World War II. The United States made tanks, airplanes, ships and jeeps instead of washers, dryers, cars and other durable goods. The forced savings caused by rationing made money available to buy the durable goods, and the end of the war allowed a “full-speed” manufacturing sector to easily transition from war machines to home machines.

Administrative law is being used instead of Constitutional law to take control of the United States. This began innocently with the Interstate Commerce Commission in the 19th century, but so many regulations are created by so many Executive agencies that rules with the force of law exist without input from the peoples' representatives in Congress. See (September 2014).

I am unable to write research/white papers on these topics, however I can pay a reasonable amount for one or more.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Irresponsible and Deceitful House of Representatives

Joe Wilson is in his seventh term in the U.S. Congress. He is infamous for yelling “You lie!” during President Obama's 2009 State of the Union speech. He was correct. The President was lying to a TV audience of millions worldwide.

Heritage Action rated Wilson in the low 90s several years ago on their scorecard. He now ranks 71. He differs on the following:

Farm and Food Stamps of $1Trillion;Y

Limit Crop Insurance Subsidies to farmers with AGI < $250,000;N

Reduce Dept of Energy funding by $1.5Billion;N

Supported Ryan-Murry spending increase;Y

$1.1Trillion Omnibus Spending bill;Y

Farm Bill Conference Report;Y

Study Feminist History Museum;Y

OPIC re-authorization (African electrification);Y

Increased spending for water resources development;Y

$10.8Billion bailout of Highway Transit;Y

Miller-Sanders Veterans bill;Y

Temporary government spending (CR) through 11 December 2014; Export/Import Bank reauthorized through 30 June 2015 (HJR 124);Y

Protecting American Taxpayers and Homeowners;N

House Transportation Empowerment (HR 3486).N

If you are not familiar with any of the above and why Joe voted against us, then go to:


and select SC and Joe Wilson. Note that our senior Senator (Graham) now ranks 49.

Congress gets the “President's Budget” around March. The House Budget Committee then begins studying it and should write the 13 specific appropriations bills which authorize the spending. To wait until the final weeks of the fiscal year and pass a CR instead is irresponsible, yet this is probably the twentieth CR that Joe has voted on. He voted YES on most. He has favored reauthorizing the Export/Import Bank and signed a letter to that effect. This is a 1934 New Deal program which is illegal. It is unfortunate that The Law, the United States Constitution, is not enforced by those sworn to do so!

Please show your displeasure with Joe Wilson and Lindsey Graham on 4 November! Please write-in Mike Stake (Chairman, Aiken County TEA Party) and Richard Cash (17% in AC primary).

P.S. Joe – You Lie!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Top 10 Only in America Questions

Think about it. It might be funny if you heard these in a Comedy Club. I did say "might".

Number 10) Only in America .. could a President talk about the greed of the rich at a $35,000.00 per plate campaign fund-raising event.

Number 9) Only in America .. could people claim that the government still discriminates against black Americans when they have a "black" President (well, okay, half black), a black Attorney General and roughly 20% of the federal workforce is black while only 14% of the population is black. And 40%+ of all federal entitlements goes to black Americans - 3X the rate that go to whites, 5X the rate that go to Hispanics.

Number 8) Only in America ... could the two people most responsible for our tax code, Timothy Geithner (the former head of the Treasury Department) and Charles Rangel (who once ran the Ways and Means Committee), both turn out to be tax cheats who are in favor of higher taxes.

Number 7) Only in America .. can they have terrorists kill people in the name of Allah and have the media - and the Administration - primarily react by fretting that Muslims might be harmed by the backlash.

Number 6) Only in America .. would they make people who want to legally become American citizens wait for years in their home countries and pay tens of thousands of dollars for the privilege, while they discuss letting anyone who sneaks into the country illegally just 'magically' become American citizens (probably should be number one).

Number 5) Only in America ... could the people who believe in balancing the budget and sticking by the country's Constitution be thought of as extremists.

Number 4) Only in America .. could you need to present a driver's license to cash a check or buy alcohol, but not to vote. This one is a real joke. The States who want to do this will provide a free ID to those who don't drive or have another form of ID, yet the DoJ says it discriminates.

Number 3) Only in America .. could people demand the government investigate whether or not oil companies are gouging the public because the price of gas went up when the return on equity invested in a major U.S. Oil company (Marathon Oil) is less than half of a company making tennis shoes (Nike).

Number 2) Only in America could a country collect more tax dollars from the people than any nation in recorded history, still spend a Trillion dollars more than it has per year (for total spending of $7-Million PER MINUTE), and complain that it doesn't have nearly enough money.

And Number 1) Only in America could the rich people (who pay 86% of all income taxes) be accused of not paying their "fair share" by people who don't pay any income taxes at all.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Liberty Amendments for Convention of States

Mark Levin has an entire book justifying these. Please read the book!:

1) Term Limits: He proposes limiting service in both the House and Senate to 12 years. Yes, we’ve heard all the arguments about elections being the best limit. But the past 100 years has proven that to be false. As someone who works day and night to throw the bums out, I can tell you that it is nearly impossible to throw them out with the amount of money they raise – precisely for their abuses of power. Levin also proves that limiting time in office was a highly regarded proposal during the Constitutional Congress.

2) Repealing the 17th Amendment: Levin proposes repealing the 17th amendment and vesting state legislators with the power to elect senators so that the power of states is not diluted, as originally feared by the framers of the Constitution.

3) Restoring the Judiciary to its proper role: The Judiciary was never meant to be an all-powerful institution in which five men in robes have the final say over every major policy battle in the country. In order to end judicial tyranny, Levin proposes limiting service to one 12-year term, and granting both Congress and the state legislatures the authority to overturn court decisions with the vote of three-fifths of both houses of Congress or state legislative bodies.

4) Limiting Taxation and Spending: Levin proposes a balanced budget amendment, limiting spending to 17.5% of GDP and requiring a three-fifths vote to raise the debt ceiling. He also proposes limiting the power to tax to 15% of an individual’s income, prohibiting other forms of taxation, and placing the deadline to file one’s taxes one day before the next federal election.

5) Limiting bureaucracy: He proposes an amendment to limit and sunset federal regulations and subject the existence of all federal departments to stand-alone reauthorization bills every three years.

6) Defining the Commerce Clause: Levin writes an amendment that, while technically unnecessary, is practically an imperative to restoring the original intent of the Commerce Clause. The amendment would make it clear that the commerce clause grants not power to actively regulate and control activity; rather to prevent states from impeding commerce among other states, as Madison originally intended.

7) Limiting Federal power to take private property

8) Allowing State Legislature to Amend the Constitution: Although the Framers intentionally made it difficult to amend the Constitution, they did so to preserve the Republic they created. However, the progressives have illegally altered our Republic through a silent and gradual coup without using the amendment process. If we are going to successfully push the aforementioned amendments, we will need an easier mechanism to force them through. The proposed amendment allows states to bypass Congress and propose an amendment with support of just two-thirds of the states (instead of three-fourths) and without convening a convention.

9) State Authority to Override Congress: A proposed amendment to allow states to override federal statutes by majority vote in two-thirds of state legislatures. The last two proposals are rooted in the idea that the states only agreed to the Constitution on condition that their power would not be diluted and that all federal power is derived from the states.

10) Protecting the Vote: A proposal to require photo ID for all federal elections and limit early voting.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Violent Rioters and the Ku Klux Klan

The violent rioters and looters in Ferguson, Missouri are legitimizing past actions of the Ku Klux Klan - which most would probably condemn. These opportunistic, racist thugs are criminals in hiding waiting for a convenient crisis.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

United Nations

Founded October 1945 with 51 member states. Now has 193 member states. To promote international co-operation.


United States 22%

Japan 10.8%

Germany 7.1%

France 5.6%

United Kingdom 5.2%

China 5.1%

Italy 4.4%

Canada 3%

Spain 3%

Brazil 2.9%

Russia 2.4%

Australia 2.1%

Security Council: 15 members:

Permanent: China, France, Russia, U.K., U.S.

“Maintaining peace and security among members.”

Friday, July 25, 2014

Two Competing Philosophies in America

There are two major philosophies in America. Many Democrats preach Humanism, that mankind is basically good. Teavangelicals preach that mankind is sinful and needs Jesus to be saved. Democrats want a democracy, and that requires “good” people. All you need is 50.1% of the vote for control. Current day Russia is a “democracy” with a powerful elite in the Politburo and Kremlin. Most of the Framers trusted Jesus as Savior; others at least believed in a “higher power.” When they designed our foundation document, the Constitution, checks and balances were built into it to restrain those with power. There was no permanent political class with elitist beliefs. The House of Representatives was popularly elected and served two-year terms. The Senate was elected by the state legislatures for six-year terms and gave individual states a restraint on the House and the President. The Congress created and funded the courts as necessary. The President managed the government and could veto laws passed by the Congress. The main functions of the government were to defend the nation and settle disputes between the states.

A written Constitution is a problem for tyrants. It is easy to see when illegal acts are being committed. Currently we can do little about it since the Attorney General, the top legal officer, will do nothing, and the Senate will not try on impeachment. Most data is collected by the “government” and then filtered before it is reported. The media is normally a willing accomplice. Even they are realizing that the proverbial frog being slowly boiled to death is us.

America has immense resources – many in the western states. Environmentalists have been successful in placing in power individuals who will prevent us from using those resources. Millions of square miles are “Federal” lands and are “off-limits.” We are the “Saudi Arabia of coal”, and we have enough gas and oil to be independent of other nations, yet we import over 7 million barrels of oil each day. The $700 million we pay to those foreign nations each day could be invested in America to create jobs for our citizens. We keep our oil under the ground and give our capital resources to those who would destroy us.

I have little hope in America as a nation. Most registered voters do not vote. Many who do vote are ignorant of the issues. Most are content to watch their wide-screen TVs and be fed propaganda. I read all this in my Bible decades ago, so this is not a surprise to me. Jesus is the answer. Come quickly Lord Jesus!

Friday, July 11, 2014

"Crisis" at the Border

Progressives are successfully using Cloward-Piven chaos theory to “fundamentally change America.” This does not need to be a crisis, but the Obama administration is intentionally mismanaging the “crisis” that it has created. One look at the American population demographics shows why the Democrats are desperate for masses of youth who can fund bankrupt Ponzi schemes like Social Security. Almost 80 years of defending this gem in their FDR crown will result in extreme embarassment for the Democrats when the $130 trillion bill comes due.

The United States has an incredible airlift capability. We can move a sizable army to any part of the globe within 24 hours. While it not as comfortable as commercial air travel, troop carriers are certainly humane. I have traveled to Australia and Greenland by C-141. We need to use the resources which we have to return these children to the Central American countries from which they came. We need to have another Berlin airlift with the obvious difference in cargo.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

The First Mulatto President of the United States

In November 2008, a mulatto man was elected President of the United States. He claimed to be black, although he is not. His mother was white; father unknown (Frank Marshall Davis?).

His formative years were spent in Muslim schools in Indonesia. He went to Punahou Academy, an elite college-prep school in Hawaii, and Occidental College in California on affirmative action scholarships – even though he had not experienced prejudice and poverty. Bill Ayers father helped him get into Columbia University and then Harvard Law School. He became editor of the Law Review without writing anything. Bill Ayers probably wrote Dreams From My Father – his “autobiography.” He headed Project Vote in Chicago and successfully got out the dead vote.

He became an Illinois state Senator and a United States Senator, both without significant accomplishments. A speechwriter probably wrote The Audacity of Hope – another “autobiography.” Other than “community organizer” and college instructor of law, he lacks experience in other areas. As President he appointed over 30 “Special Assistants to the President” - czars – to manage the areas where he was lacking in experience. None are accountable to the people's representatives or the people.

In the first 2 years while Democrats controlled both the House of Representatives and the Senate, the Affordable Care Act, the Dodd-Frank Banking Reform, TARP and many other big government laws were passed. Deficits were over $1 Trillion each year. The national debt has soared over $6 Trillion since BHO took office.

Common Core Math is a Crime!

I have seen Common Core arithmetic instruction videos for subtraction and multiplication, and I view this as a crime! Teachers who teach subtraction and multiplication to elementary school children this way should be placed in the public stocks, and the students and their parents supplied with rotten eggs and rotten cabbage to throw at them. Colleges of Education which taught future teachers to teach this way should have their doors wrapped shut with crime scene tape!

I have a Masters degree in mathematics, and I will admit that the number line is an important concept which links Geometry and Algebra and the lattice method works, but these have no place in an elementary school. It does not matter that students are allowed to use calculators and will only use these concepts in theory and not reality. Each student should be able to do the arithmetic on paper and use the calculator only as a tool for efficiency and speed.

Our arithmetic is based on the decimal (base 10) system. Elementary students must be taught the structure of a decimal number with hundreds, tens, units on the left of the decimal and tenths, hundreths on the right. Other number bases are important, but that is also a subject for higher-level work. My favorite example is one plus one equals one zero (1+1=10). This is base 2 and allows us to use digital devices like calculators, computers, smart phones, etc. Teaching this to a normal elementary student should be a crime!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Article V Convention of States

On 6 March 2014, Georgia became the first state to sign on to an Article V Convention of States (CoS). As of 12 March, Alaska and Arizona had also signed on. This demonstrates the peoples' growing dissatisfaction with our elected representatives in Washington, D.C.

Article V gives two ways to amend the United States Constitution – 2/3 vote of the Congress OR 2/3 of the states in convention for the purpose of amending the Constitution. In either case, ¾ of the states must ratify for the amendment to be adopted.

The obvious purpose of a CoS is to propose amendments – like balanced budget and term limits – which the Congress does not want.

Other than the balanced budget and term limits, I would like consideration for all 5-4 decisions of the Supreme Court which have changed our law without the people's elected representatives being involved. Two in particular are the “separation of church and state” and “legalization of abortion.” Neither of these issues are in the Constitution but became “law” because of prejudice against Catholics and judicial activism using an 1868 slavery amendment. That same 14th amendment is misused when granting citizenship to “anchor babies.” Congress could have cleared the issue by passing legislation defining “subject to the jurisdiction thereof.” I would recommend that the citizenship be conditional dependent on conduct after age 12. The child would have to pledge allegiance to the United States and renounce allegiance to any other country and fulfill all legal requirements that a legal immigrant would do.

I would like to see reconsideration and repeal of the 14th, 16th and 17th amendments. I believe that the punishment on the Confederate states is no longer applicable, the income tax was passed on false reasons, and the direct election of Senators diminished the power given to the states by the founding fathers. I would also like to dramatically increase the number of representatives in the House of Representatives in order to make running for office easier for average citizens and making representatives more accountable. This would not expand the size of the federal government as has been suggested. The increased accountability of the peoples' representatives would make government smaller. The Defense of Marriage Act and the adoption of English as our national and legal language should also be added.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Deception and the Income Tax

Over a century ago the 16th Amendment was added to our Constitution. The Progressives sold the income tax by:

***emphasizing the extremely low tax rates, and that most would pay no tax at all

***stressed its simplicity

***pointed to problems and controversies surrounding tariffs

The original tax exempted anyone earning less than $3,000/year or married couples earning less than $4,000/year. Those with incomes between $20,000 and $50,000 would pay 2% and those with incomes over $500,000 would pay 7%. This was the top rate.

The income tax allowed the federal government - and state and local governments – to grow rapidly.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

The War for Southern Independence

In the 17th and 18th centuries, England was a heavily-populated, industrial and naval power. Its largely agrarian colonies provided raw materials and buyers for the finished goods. England heavily taxed the colonies without giving them a voice in Parliament.

In the 19th century, the North was a heavily-populated, industrial and naval power. The South was largely agrarian and provided raw materials and buyers for the finished goods from the North. The North kept prices high by placing heavy tariffs on foreign goods.

When Abraham Lincoln was elected President, the southern states seceded. They were heavily outnumbered in the Congress, and were forced to buy from the North. The strong navy enforced the heavy tariffs on foreign finished goods.

In 1861 Lincoln disregarded the southern states secession and sent ships into Charleston harbor to resupply the United States Fort Sumter. Just as Russian missiles in Cuba threatened the security of the United States 101 years later, the security of the Confederate States of America, CSA, was threatened by another country's fort in Charleston harbor. Just as President Kennedy eliminated Russia's threat, Confederate forces eliminated the United States' threat.

The South had major disadvantages in population, industrial power and in naval capability. It had no intention of going to war with the United States. Abraham Lincoln raised an army and invaded the CSA. The Confederacy fought bravely defending their nation and won most battles during the first 2 years. Even though the North eventually lost more than 100,000 more men than the South, this was a far smaller percentage of the number of available fighting men in the North than in the South. The last years of the war became a war of attrition. Sherman destroyed much of Georgia, and Grant constantly attacked the dwindling Confederate forces. Low on supplies and ammunition and heavily outnumbered, Lee surrendered. Lincoln would have shown mercy to the CSA. When he was assassinated, the southern states were brutally punished.

Northern historians have claimed that the war was fought over slavery. Although this was a culture that the agrarian south sought to preserve, the Emancipation Proclamation was not implemented until two years into the war. It only prohibited slavery in the CSA. Slavery was still legal in 5 states in the United States until the 13th Amendment was ratified in December 1865, after the war had ended.

Slavery is a terrible thing. Unfortunately there are tens of millions of slaves currently on our planet. There is little public outcry. The United Nations is mute or impotent to solve the problem.