Saturday, June 21, 2014

Common Core Math is a Crime!

I have seen Common Core arithmetic instruction videos for subtraction and multiplication, and I view this as a crime! Teachers who teach subtraction and multiplication to elementary school children this way should be placed in the public stocks, and the students and their parents supplied with rotten eggs and rotten cabbage to throw at them. Colleges of Education which taught future teachers to teach this way should have their doors wrapped shut with crime scene tape!

I have a Masters degree in mathematics, and I will admit that the number line is an important concept which links Geometry and Algebra and the lattice method works, but these have no place in an elementary school. It does not matter that students are allowed to use calculators and will only use these concepts in theory and not reality. Each student should be able to do the arithmetic on paper and use the calculator only as a tool for efficiency and speed.

Our arithmetic is based on the decimal (base 10) system. Elementary students must be taught the structure of a decimal number with hundreds, tens, units on the left of the decimal and tenths, hundreths on the right. Other number bases are important, but that is also a subject for higher-level work. My favorite example is one plus one equals one zero (1+1=10). This is base 2 and allows us to use digital devices like calculators, computers, smart phones, etc. Teaching this to a normal elementary student should be a crime!

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