Saturday, December 13, 2014

Letter to Joe Wilson (R-SC2)

You have saved Federal employees in District 2 from several weeks of furlough. In the past this has never resulted in anything but a paid vacation.

You have funded the President and his administration for the entire fiscal year. His EO for amnesty for illegals, his pro-death abortion funding, his illegal subsidy payments for PPACA to states which chose not to set up state exchanges, his refusal to faithfully execute laws passed by the peoples' representatives, his lies and fraud, etc will continue.

The new Representatives and Senators elected in November 2014 will have no voice in the funding decisions until 1 October 2015! They may object to what has been done, but you and other “establishment Republicans” (RiNOs) will quickly silence them! Your conduct since 2001 has been merely acting conservative. You are definitely out of the closet now! Your Heritage Action score has fallen from 94 to 70.

The lives of the babies who will be killed will be on your hands. I wrote in Mike Stake, the Chairman of the Aiken County TEA Party, to avoid voting for you. That 53% still voted for you shows that Professor Gruber was correct – at least in District 2!

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