Friday, November 28, 2014

Illegal Rather Than unConstitutional

___People's eyes glaze over when we say something is “unConstitutional” because they have never studied the Constitution. I now prefer “illegal.” It is appropriate to say that POTUS, his AG, the Congress, SCOTUS and lower courts have conducted illegal activities. Each took an oath like I did to “support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.” The difference is that I did not lie.

___The job of the Congress is to represent the people and fund the government by debating the merits of and passing multiple appropriations bills. Instead it waits until the last month and passes a “must pass”, omnibus continuing resolution with “earmarks” like Export/Import Bank which funds the government through 11 December. The Constitution does not allow the federal government to be in the banking business (except for the Fed, which is another topic). Ex/Im was illegal in 1934, and it still is.

___The job of POTUS is to faithfully execute the laws passed by the peoples' representatives in the Congress. This president and his AG have decided cafeteria-style which laws they will execute and which they will ignore. He has generated thousands of regulations which form an illegal administrative body of “laws” (regulations and executive orders) not passed by Congress but having the effect of law.

___The courts responsibilities and limits are described in Article III of the Constitution. Some of the courts have illegally created “laws” (legislated from the bench) and nullified the expressed will of the people.

___The United States is a Constitutional republic – not a democracy. The law is written down in the Constitution. It is not to be changed on a whim by majority vote or by tyrants. Some changes have been very destructive: the 14th, a slavery amendment, has been used to murder more than 55 million babies; the eighteenth, passed to legislate a moral idea, actually organized crime and disrespect for the law and was repealed.

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