Monday, December 1, 2014

Continuing Resolutions are Irresponsible and Destructive

___The normally uninformed electorate has repudiated the tyrannical Obama administration policies. To fund the government until the next Congress is seated does not make sense. The GOP has gotten a black eye on previous shutdowns, but the election may be used as a mandate, and the next Congress can quickly right many of the excesses of the “Progressives.”

___If a CR extension is passed, then it should end when the next Congress is seated. It should defund illegal immigration policy and repeal the ban on energy exports (1920, 1975 and 1979) and EPA anti-carbon policies. We have centuries of coal and petroleum resources, and we shoot ourselves in our feet when we restrict American industry while BRIC countries are free to pollute. Note that China has by some measures passed the U.S. as the largest single-nation economy. We are still importing over 7 million barrels of oil each day. Even at reduced prices, that is a significant outflow of capital each day which could be used to build and rebuild American industry and provide jobs rather than incentives to not work.

___The new Congress needs to have budget appropriations bills ready for votes in January. Let Barry shut down the government with a veto if he dares! His tyrannical rule has been funded with GOP support for too long. Boehner and McConnel need to be replaced by Constitutional conservative leadership.

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