Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Irresponsible and Deceitful House of Representatives

Joe Wilson is in his seventh term in the U.S. Congress. He is infamous for yelling “You lie!” during President Obama's 2009 State of the Union speech. He was correct. The President was lying to a TV audience of millions worldwide.

Heritage Action rated Wilson in the low 90s several years ago on their scorecard. He now ranks 71. He differs on the following:

Farm and Food Stamps of $1Trillion;Y

Limit Crop Insurance Subsidies to farmers with AGI < $250,000;N

Reduce Dept of Energy funding by $1.5Billion;N

Supported Ryan-Murry spending increase;Y

$1.1Trillion Omnibus Spending bill;Y

Farm Bill Conference Report;Y

Study Feminist History Museum;Y

OPIC re-authorization (African electrification);Y

Increased spending for water resources development;Y

$10.8Billion bailout of Highway Transit;Y

Miller-Sanders Veterans bill;Y

Temporary government spending (CR) through 11 December 2014; Export/Import Bank reauthorized through 30 June 2015 (HJR 124);Y

Protecting American Taxpayers and Homeowners;N

House Transportation Empowerment (HR 3486).N

If you are not familiar with any of the above and why Joe voted against us, then go to:


and select SC and Joe Wilson. Note that our senior Senator (Graham) now ranks 49.

Congress gets the “President's Budget” around March. The House Budget Committee then begins studying it and should write the 13 specific appropriations bills which authorize the spending. To wait until the final weeks of the fiscal year and pass a CR instead is irresponsible, yet this is probably the twentieth CR that Joe has voted on. He voted YES on most. He has favored reauthorizing the Export/Import Bank and signed a letter to that effect. This is a 1934 New Deal program which is illegal. It is unfortunate that The Law, the United States Constitution, is not enforced by those sworn to do so!

Please show your displeasure with Joe Wilson and Lindsey Graham on 4 November! Please write-in Mike Stake (Chairman, Aiken County TEA Party) and Richard Cash (17% in AC primary).

P.S. Joe – You Lie!

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