Friday, December 12, 2014

Slavery Reparations

___In the recent rioting, the topic of reparations for slavery came up again. The topic is usually disregarded without reply. I think that even the most specious claims which are continually put forward by race demogogues should be debated thoroughly once and for all.

___Those in favor of reparations (seekers) want money. That money would come from the government – taken by force from taxpayers. The seekers do not want to go to civil court and prove that a specific person harmed them. They want money. Their only claim is that they are black.

___The President claims to be black. His mother was not, and his father supposedly* was a Kenyan named Barack Obama. Obviously neither his mother's ancestors nor his “father's” ancestors in Kenya would qualify for harm by being enslaved in the United States.

___Obviously not everyone who is black or who claims to be black is descended from victims of slavery just like not everyone who claims to be part-”Native American” should receive a part of profits from a casino located on tribal lands. Also not all slaves were victims. Many were prisoners of other tribes in Africa which sold them to European slave traders. They were purchased by families who thought of them more as family than property – certainly better than prisoners of opposing tribes or slave traders. An example is Mrs. Tubman in Augusta, GA who freed her slaves and paid for their passage to Liberia, Africa in the early 1800s when her husband died. Since slaves were legally “property”, this was a great sacrifice of a significant portion of her net worth.

___We are a nation of laws. Instead of illegally harming innocent people or destroying the property of innocent business owners, personal injury should be proved in civil courts before a judge and jury of peers.

* In the movie Dreams From My Real Father, Barry Soetoro is the bastard child of a married neighbor^ of the Dunhams. Because Stanley Anne's father worked for the CIA and the neighbor was a Communist Party USA member, a cover story was created. Barack Obama was a CIA-sponsored scholar from Kenya studying in Hawaii. He was bribed to “marry” Stanley Anne. He was allowed to stay in the United States and complete his Ph.D. degree at Harvard. He divorced Stanley Anne shortly after the marriage. She then married Leo Soetoro. Barry was raised by Stanley Anne's parents. When he entered politics, he took the name Barack Obama. Most of his records are sealed or inconveniently located to make vetting nearly impossible. Facts like living with a Muslim, anti-colonialist father and attending Muslim schools in the 6-10 formative years and attending prep school and college on affirmative-action scholarships are surpressed. Also surpressed is his close personal friendship with domestic terrorist/murderer Bill Ayers and the influence Bill's father (CEO of ConEd) used to get Barry into Columbia University and Harvard Law School.

^ Frank Marshall Davis

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