Friday, December 5, 2014

I Have a Dream

___I have a dream that the Congress will pass budget appropriations bills and Constitutional legislation to properly manage America. I have a dream that the Executive will faithfully execute the laws passed by the peoples' representatives and will protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. I have a dream that the courts will be guided in their decisions by the Constitution and the intents of the framers rather than their own prejudices.

___I have a dream that governments and businesses will be able to hire on the basis of skills and knowledge rather than the color of one's skin - or gender or sexual orientation. I have a dream that schools and universities will admit students and hire instructors on the basis of ability.

___I have a dream that science will be known for ideas which can be tested rather than speculation which can not, and that peer reviews will be honest. I have a dream that religion will be known for ideas that are Bible-based rather than on that which makes us comfortable.

___I have a dream that marriage between a man and a woman and individual responsibility and initiative will again become the basis of the strength of America. I have a dream that parents will be responsible to train up children in the way they should go.

___I have a dream that the United Nations will be a forum for cooperation rather than for politics and division. I have a dream that other nations will clean their own air and water like the United States has - without American taxpayers having to pay their bill. I have a dream that Americans will be truly thankful for the abundant resources that God has given us, and that we will be faithful stewards.

___These dreams will not be realized by man's actions. Mankind is sinful. They are possible only when Jesus returns. Come quickly Lord!

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