Saturday, October 18, 2014

Women in Islam and Christianity

In Islam, rape of a woman is essentially legal under Sharia. In court, a woman's testimony is worth half as much as that of a man. The victim must produce four witnesses who were present and observed the rape. If the rape is not proved, then the woman may be stoned to death for adultery. Consider the spread of STDs, HIV/AIDS and Ebola in Islamic countries.

Polygamy is acceptable. Muhammed had nine wives and numerous concubines. A man may divorce his wife by declaring: “I divorce you.” A temporary marriage (ie for 3 days) is acceptable.

Circumcision is required for both men and women. Female circumcision is designed to diminish a woman's sexual response, so that she will be less likely to committ adultery.

In current Christianity women are special. God created Eve as a help-mate for Adam. Sex was and should be a blessing within the context of marriage. Rape is a capital crime.

While the man is designated the head of the wife, the context is as Jesus is head of the Church. Husbands are to love their wives as Jesus loved the Church and gave himself for her. Being willing to die a cruel death for her does not describe a domineering man.

Kings David and Solomon were both polygamists. They wrote Psalms and Proverbs lamenting and repenting for their bad decisions. Solomon as a young man describes an intimate and steamy love for his wife. He wrote Ecclesiastes late in life. The theme is that worldly things that men cherish in life are meaningless in the end.

Circumcision of males is practiced within Judaism and among Christians, but there are valid health reasons for the practice.

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