Friday, July 25, 2014

Two Competing Philosophies in America

There are two major philosophies in America. Many Democrats preach Humanism, that mankind is basically good. Teavangelicals preach that mankind is sinful and needs Jesus to be saved. Democrats want a democracy, and that requires “good” people. All you need is 50.1% of the vote for control. Current day Russia is a “democracy” with a powerful elite in the Politburo and Kremlin. Most of the Framers trusted Jesus as Savior; others at least believed in a “higher power.” When they designed our foundation document, the Constitution, checks and balances were built into it to restrain those with power. There was no permanent political class with elitist beliefs. The House of Representatives was popularly elected and served two-year terms. The Senate was elected by the state legislatures for six-year terms and gave individual states a restraint on the House and the President. The Congress created and funded the courts as necessary. The President managed the government and could veto laws passed by the Congress. The main functions of the government were to defend the nation and settle disputes between the states.

A written Constitution is a problem for tyrants. It is easy to see when illegal acts are being committed. Currently we can do little about it since the Attorney General, the top legal officer, will do nothing, and the Senate will not try on impeachment. Most data is collected by the “government” and then filtered before it is reported. The media is normally a willing accomplice. Even they are realizing that the proverbial frog being slowly boiled to death is us.

America has immense resources – many in the western states. Environmentalists have been successful in placing in power individuals who will prevent us from using those resources. Millions of square miles are “Federal” lands and are “off-limits.” We are the “Saudi Arabia of coal”, and we have enough gas and oil to be independent of other nations, yet we import over 7 million barrels of oil each day. The $700 million we pay to those foreign nations each day could be invested in America to create jobs for our citizens. We keep our oil under the ground and give our capital resources to those who would destroy us.

I have little hope in America as a nation. Most registered voters do not vote. Many who do vote are ignorant of the issues. Most are content to watch their wide-screen TVs and be fed propaganda. I read all this in my Bible decades ago, so this is not a surprise to me. Jesus is the answer. Come quickly Lord Jesus!

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