Saturday, June 21, 2014

The First Mulatto President of the United States

In November 2008, a mulatto man was elected President of the United States. He claimed to be black, although he is not. His mother was white; father unknown (Frank Marshall Davis?).

His formative years were spent in Muslim schools in Indonesia. He went to Punahou Academy, an elite college-prep school in Hawaii, and Occidental College in California on affirmative action scholarships – even though he had not experienced prejudice and poverty. Bill Ayers father helped him get into Columbia University and then Harvard Law School. He became editor of the Law Review without writing anything. Bill Ayers probably wrote Dreams From My Father – his “autobiography.” He headed Project Vote in Chicago and successfully got out the dead vote.

He became an Illinois state Senator and a United States Senator, both without significant accomplishments. A speechwriter probably wrote The Audacity of Hope – another “autobiography.” Other than “community organizer” and college instructor of law, he lacks experience in other areas. As President he appointed over 30 “Special Assistants to the President” - czars – to manage the areas where he was lacking in experience. None are accountable to the people's representatives or the people.

In the first 2 years while Democrats controlled both the House of Representatives and the Senate, the Affordable Care Act, the Dodd-Frank Banking Reform, TARP and many other big government laws were passed. Deficits were over $1 Trillion each year. The national debt has soared over $6 Trillion since BHO took office.

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