Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Numbers From the Presidential General Election

___After getting these numbers, it appears to me that the Founding Fathers, in creating the Electoral College, had more wisdom than they are being given credit by the Green Party Candidate, the Clinton Campaign and a group of washed-up Hollywood "celebrities" who have, in one way or another, tried to overturn the General Elections results.

___There are 3,141 counties in the United States. Trump won 3,084 of them; Clinton won 57.

___There are 62 counties in New York State. Trump won 46 of them; Clinton won 16.

___Clinton won the popular vote by about 1.5 million votes (the extra votes won by Trump after that recount not withstanding).

___In the five counties that encompass New York City (Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Richmond and Queens) Clinton received well over 2 million more votes than Trump. Clinton won four of the counties; Trump won Richmond. These four counties alone more than accounted for Clinton winning the popular vote of the entire country.

___These 5 counties comprise 319 square miles. The United States is comprised of 3,797,000 square miles. When you have a country that encompasses almost 4 million square miles of territory, in my opinion it would be ludicrous to even suggest that the vote of those who inhabit a mere 319 square miles should dictate the outcome of a national election.

___Large, densely populated cities (NYC, Chicago, LA, etc) don't and shouldn't speak for the rest of our country. Yes, these are Democrat-controlled cities - maybe the reason for all the efforts to overturn the General Election. However, I would feel the same way - the Electoral College made the election the real will of our citizens. Clinton did not win the popular vote of the United States - she won the popular vote of New York City.

___I took an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic, and to obey the lawful orders of the President of the United States. The candidate for whom I voted didn't always win; but, I supported the elected Commander-in-Chief always no matter who was elected. In recent years I have voted more against a candidate than for a candidate. This General Election as one of them - I voted against the corrupt one. In the local election all candidates were so bad for two offices that I wrote in Mickey Mouse and Snow White rather than cast a vote for either low-life, corrupt individual.

___I just heard that the Constitution was upheld. Trump won the Electoral College vote. Sorry, whiners. All of us must follow the law. If we don't like a law - or an aspect of our Constitution - there is a legal process for change. No whining is not that lawful process.

___I still am waiting for Streisand, Sharpton and others to fulfill their promises and move to Canada. Sorry Canada.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

The United States Has Changed Dramatically in the Last 7+ Years

I used to think I was just a regular guy, but I was born white, which now, whether I like it or not, makes me a racist.

I am a fiscal and moral conservative, which by today’s standards, makes me a fascist.

I am heterosexual, which according to gay folks, now makes me a homophobe.

I am non-union, which makes me a traitor to the working class and an ally of big business.

I am a Christian, which now labels me as an infidel.

I believe in the 2nd Amendment, which now makes me a member of the vast gun lobby.

I am older than 70 and retired, which makes me a useless old man.

I think and I reason, therefore I doubt much that the main stream media tells me, which must make me a reactionary.

I am proud of my heritage and our inclusive American culture, which makes me a xenophobe.

I value my safety and that of my family and I appreciate the police and the legal system, which makes me a right-wing extremist.

I believe in hard work, fair play, and fair compensation according to each individual’s merits, which today makes me an anti-socialist.

I (and most people I know), acquired a fair education without student loans (it’s called work) and no debt at graduation, which makes me some kind of an odd underachiever.

I believe in the defense and protection of the homeland for and by all citizens and I honor those who served in the Armed Forces, which now makes me a militant.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

American Citizenship Defined

___Whether you agree or not, you are not an American citizen just because you were born here. The definition in the 14th Amendment also requires allegiance (support the jurisdiction thereof) to the United States Constitution as our basis for and supreme law.

___That means that convicted felons are not citizens and may not vote. If they are allowed to vote, then those who allowed the illegal act are not citizens either. Leaders in "sanctuary cities" are also not citizens!

___We desire immigration of those with sole allegiance to the United States Constitution. The Congress should make constitutional laws controlling immigration, and these laws must be enforced. In that way, all American citizens benefit.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Problems With 2016 Election per TTV

___According to True The Vote (TTV) problems with the 2016 election may be categorized:

33% Machine malfunction

25% Process problems

18% Mail-in ballot fraud

10% Voter registration fraud

10% Electioneering

3% Identity fraud

1% Intimidation

 ___An interesting note: Indiana and Ohio passed Voter ID laws and changed from Democrat to Republican.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The Electoral College and Popular Vote

___Whether it is the 1948 Chicago Daily Tribune newspaper held by President-elect Truman or the current day Newsweek magazine announcing Hillary Clinton's victory, the media makes mistakes. They are still stating that Hillary won the popular vote. This has caused supporters who are not “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” [United States Constitution] to commit domestic terrorism. By definition they are not citizens, they are just thugs. The truth is that the vote counting is not complete. Hillary has a very slim lead of the votes which have been counted. A week after the election some of the media have not given Michigan to Trump. A majority of the votes which have not been counted will probably be for Trump. These are from states where the number of uncounted votes will not affect the electoral vote outcome.

___The Newsweek Madam President issue is selling for $1000 on Ebay. With 125,000 printed and millions copied and sold as cover-only items, there is a lot of money to be made – even for a lie!

___Many who dislike the Constitution will want to change the Electoral College. Those in New Hampshire – and other less populous states - realize that they would not have met the candidates if not for their 4 electoral votes. Hillary apparently won the 4 NH votes with a margin of less than 3,000. Popular-vote elections would be decided in CA, FL, IL, NY and TX. States may determine how their electoral votes may be allocated – as ME and NE have – rather than “winner take all.” The United States Constitution has worked well since 1789!

Monday, September 19, 2016

Will There be a Do-Not-Fry List?

___One of Trump's "6 Steves", Steve Hayes, was put on the Do-Not-Fly list for landing in Turkey to go on a Hillsdale College (MI) sponsored cruise of the Greek Isles.

___Since pressure cookers have been used by terrorists to build the bombs detonated in Boston and NYC, will cooks now be placed on a Do-Not-Fry List?

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Central Control vs Free Market

___The election will determine whether elites in the D.C. political establishment will continue to centrally control the economy and morality or those who want to free the producers and buyers to make individual economic and moral decisions.

___The Department of Commerce has centralized business and financial data. There is an obvious partisan bias on released data. Unemployment of 4.9% should indicate a boom, but labor participation is at a 40-year low, and the GDP growth is around 1%. Under Truman it was over 5%. The 1920s under Coolidge were named “roaring” for good reason. Businesses were allowed to prosper and hire with little restraint.

___Under Carter energy and education policy were consolidated under the two new DOEs. How have they performed?

___The Department of Energy forbid the export of oil. Utility customers were illegally taxed (a "fee" so House would not have to initiate it) to pay for Yucca Mountain in Nevada. After about $15 Billion was spent in Nevada on construction and wages, the Governor and President reneged on the agreement and nuclear waste had to remain stored at more than 100 individual facilities.

___The Department of Education oversaw the destruction of a good system of public education while destroying exceptional private schools. It illegally became one of the largest banks in the world with over $1.4 Trillion in student loans. Taxpayers will now have to pay the bill for the mismanagement. Common Core, owned by the Gates Foundation and exempt from FOIA, has been implemented by threatened withholding of “federal funds” and is partly responsible for the nation's poor performance against our foreign competitors. The Feds now want control over young minds from pre-school through college all paid for by apathetic, gullible taxpayers. College majors in race and gender history will hardly prepare students for a real world. The MIT professor said we were stupid to believe the lies about Obamacare. I didn't, but he may be right about many.

___History teaches that Adam Smith was correct, and Karl Marx (USSR), John M. Keynes (U.K.) and Paul Krugman were not. If we ignore history, then we will repeat the mistakes.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Decreasing Productivity and Increasing Wages

___"Federal Reserve Vice Chairman Stanley Fischer called for better fiscal and regulatory policies that could help boost the U.S. economy's flagging productivity growth rate and help the central bank avoid having to drop interest rates to near zero again." The Fed was created in 1913 to maintain a stable currency. Having failed at that, their role was expanded to use monetary policy (low interest rates) to grow the economy. The lower trend in productivity should have nothing to do with the Fed unless industry wants low-interest capital in order to automate.

___We have an anomaly where labor rates are increasing (not necessarily in constant dollars), but productivity is decreasing. In economics only increases in productivity of labor (not automation) should result in wage increases. Now you get paid more whether you work hard or not!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

“Subject to the Jurisdiction Thereof”

___This Constitutional requirement for citizenship means that all citizens – even those “born or naturalized in the United States” must have sole allegiance to the American system written down in our Constitution.

___Donald Trump says “those who share our values and respect our people.” That excludes Islamic extremists. It also excludes Black Lives Matter extremists who riot, loot and murder whenever a legal authority kills a black person who is threatening them. Shariah law is incompatible with our Constitution, so immigrants who would implement Shariah law should never become citizens. The multiculturalism seen in Europe allows Islamic enclaves ruled by Shariah law. Islamic State promotes re-establishing the caliphate (1288 to 1924) with Islam as the state religion and Shariah as the legal and moral law. Shariah law is incompatible with our Constitution.

___Progressives want a North American Union similar to the EU with free movement across the borders with Canada and Mexico and the amero as the common currency. The majority of Americans saw this as a loss of American sovereignty and rejected it. NAFTA was implemented as a compromise and millions of illegal aliens were allowed to enter as “undocumented workers.” The Inspector General reported recently that 6.5 million people on active Social Security numbers were over 112 years of age. That indicates that SSANs were illegally recycled to illegals (employers were to be fined for hiring illegals under the immigration law passed in the 1980s). Progressives are desperate to move prisoners-of-war to the United States so that they will be perceived as citizens with legal protections. If you sleep in a garage, then it does not make you a car!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Business Sense is Needed in Government

___It is important to have someone with business sense running the federal government. We are told that cutting taxes will bankrupt the nation. Do businesses have sales in order to destroy their business or to increase the number of customers? We have too many economists who have never run a business!

___Profit is Sales minus Costs. Taxes are a cost which reduces profit. We must make a profit in order to remain in business and keep employees working. Labor is a cost. When automation costs less than manual labor, then we automate and reduce workers. At one time over 90% of Americans were involved in agriculture. Now less than 5% are, but we produce more food! The tractor is more productive than a mule and plow. Technology allows us to plant drought and pest-resistant crops. The same technology effect is true with manufacturing. Some in labor have unrealistic expectations of doing the same job that their father and grandfather did. When excessive labor, regulatory and tax costs drive businesses away, labor blames China or Mexico or big corporations.

___It is unfortunate that people will vote for the politician who offers the largest bribe (PC: incentive). There are over 42 million voting-age Americans with student debt. One bribe will be student loan forgiveness and, while we're at it, free college whether qualified or not. When all but six or seven states are essentially decided, the election will be easily (and illegally) won. Both political parties commit fraud, but there is a reason Progressives hate voter ID! Project Vote has succeeded well in enfranchising the dead and paid transient voters. The IRS has illegally suppressed conservative voting. Government runs the election process (and the DMV and USPS)! Mistakes are made and the effect lasts for years.

___There is a constitutional remedy for federal corruption, but one SC Representative (R-Chester) prevented it. Too bad for US! Hillary was “extremely careless” and did “exceptionally grave damage to the national security.” Our enemies would vote for her!

Friday, July 22, 2016

Note to SC-2 on Tax Reform

You have been in Congress for over 15 years. What specifically have you done for tax reform? I had to declare $11,238 in CODI for Linn Energy, now bankrupt. That is absurd and criminal! Since you voted for funding for Planned Parenthood, Ex/Im Bank and Common Core, making me pay for income I never received makes it even more absurd!

Monday, July 18, 2016

Coming Economic Earthquake

___The federal government blaming the lenders for the “mortgage crisis” of 2007 is like someone throwing cash from a rooftop and blaming people for picking up the money! The Fed maintained very low interest rates far too long. The government threatened lawsuits for racism if minority loans were denied. Presidents bragged about increases in home ownership. The lenders packaged the loans and sold them as quickly as possible.

___Fast forward to 2016. Global interest rates are so low that Japan and Germany have negative interest rates. The Obama Administration's goal is income and wealth re-distribution. Taxpayers subsidize sub-prime lending, forgiveness of debt and HARP loans. Work requirements for welfare have been dropped and the rolls of the non-working have swelled. The divider-in-chief has sown discontent and class warfare and our police are reaping the consequences.

___The stock market is at an “all-time high,” but the value in constant dollars has decreased. It is a financial sham. When this bubble bursts, the effects will be much worse than 2007!

Friday, July 15, 2016

11-year-old Patricia Harrington Fights Crime by Illegal Aliens

___Two illegal aliens, Ralphel Resindez,23, and Enrico Garza, 26, probably believed they would easily overpower home-alone 11-year-old Patricia Harrington after her father had left their two-story home. It seems the two crooks never learned two things: they were in Montana and Patricia had been a clay-shooting champion since she was nine.

___Patricia was in her upstairs room when the two men broke through the front door of the house. She quickly ran to her father's room and grabbed his 12-gauge Mossberg 500 shotgun.

___Resindez was the first to get up to the second floor only to be the first to catch a near point blank blast of buckshot from the 11-year-old's knee-crouch aim. He suffered fatal wounds to his abdomen and genitals.

___When Garza ran to the foot of the stairs, he took a blast to the left shoulder and staggered out into the street where he bled to death before medical help could arrive. It was found out later that Resindez was armed with a stolen 45-caliber handgun he took from another home invasion robbery. That victim, 50-year-old David 0'Burien, was not so lucky. He died from stab wounds to the chest.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

The Progressive Method Explained

___Obama and Clinton both are disciples of Saul Alinsky. In the 1950s and ’60s, Alinsky was a very well-known Marxist/communist community organizer. In his book Rules for Radicals, in which he praises Lucifer as “the first radical,” he explained how to achieve the left’s Marxist/communist goals. The first thing is to divide people by race, sex and culture by spreading hate. He went on to explain that creating racism among blacks was a great tool, and most likely the tool that would help overthrow America’s capitalist government. Alinsky said it was OK to use any means to achieve his goals. He believed it was perfectly OK to lie, cheat, steal and even cause some deaths if necessary.

___If you are caught with your hand in the cookie jar (inciting division and riots), then quickly make a video showing you giving cookies to hungry and needy children.

Friday, July 8, 2016

The Impact of "Extremely Careless" Security

___What is the difference between “extremely careless” and “grossly negligent?” Other than the latter being a felony, I don't know. Obama's DOJ has “cleared” presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton of “criminal charges.” FBI Director Comey said that “criminal intent” could not be proved. Gross negligence in the statute does not require “criminal intent!”

___I held a security clearance for over 30 years. I know our methods to detect and defeat an attack by ICBMs or from space. Even if no operatives involved in human intelligence get killed or tortured when our secrets are disclosed, our technology, if exposed, can be invalidated and rendered ineffective. That will cost the taxpayers billions of dollars for new technologies, and will make us vulnerable in the interim.

___It is my opinion that anyone who has demonstrated “extreme carelessness” with the most-guarded secrets of our nation is unqualified to have a security clearance. Since the President, as Commander in Chief, must be cleared for almost all of our secrets, it is not possible for someone to hold the office without having a clearance.

___In my generation, President Johnson intervened in a civil war in Vietnam. He appointed a former Ford Motor Company executive, Robert McNamara, as Secretary of Defense. McNamara tried to execute the “war” from Washington, D.C. Security was easily compromised and over 58,000 of our armed forces died. He was “extremely careless” with classified information. Many times our troops walked into ambushes and were quickly killed.

___I stated my case in a LTE published only days after the November 2008 election. I told you so!

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Congressman Duncan, SC-3, on FBI Decision

___Following the decision by the FBI not to recommend charges against former Secretary Clinton, I am very concerned with the political weight being applied to the scales of justice by the executive branch.

___The blindfold has been removed from the arbiter of the scales of justice, forever tilting the scales of justice in favor of the politically powerful. The blindfold reflected that it didn't matter your race, sex, social status or political affiliation as the facts were weighed in the American justice system. The blindfold kept the justice system from seeing those factors as the evidence and facts were weighed.

___From President Obama giving his opinions on an ongoing investigation, to the refusal to appoint an independent counsel to lead the inquiry, to delays in turning over evidence, to the Attorney General’s inappropriate secret meeting with former President Bill Clinton, this entire process has been tainted.

___The Obama Administration has already taken unprecedented steps to erode the public trust, and unfortunately I see this investigation as just another extension of that poor judgement and corruption.

___Not having access to all the facts, I have no way of knowing for certain whether Secretary Hillary Clinton violated the law. But based on how this Administration has handled this case, I have little faith that this decision was reached completely free of undue political influence.

___Therefore, I reiterate my call for a special prosecutor to be appointed to oversee this investigation. Without taking that extra step to ensure impartiality, the American people’s faith in our system of government will only further erode and Secretary Clinton’s legitimacy as a candidate will forever be in question.

Jeff is a solid Constitutional conservative and patriot.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Brexit and Our Declaration of Independence

___It has been 240 years since English colonists in America declared their independence from King George and Parliament in England. Now the English in England have declared their independence from the European Union with the Brexit vote of 51.9%. In the former it was “taxation without representation.” In the latter it was essentially the same since the United Kingdom's role was minimized as one of 26 member states while being taxed heavily as the second largest economy. Certainly uncontrolled immigration and national sovereignty were major concerns.

___The people's rejection of ruling by distant elites can also be applied to the 2016 elections in the United States. The “less-educated” - according to the WSJ - voted to leave the EU. The Americans who want a change in the political establishment in Washington, D.C. probably have spent less time in the government schools emphasizing “Common Core.” The secular Humanists in universities want to eradicate God, have taxpayer-funded abortion and sex education, have free college and student loan forgiveness, have high minimum wage, have national blessing of the LBGT lifestyle and taxpayer funding for the consequences (HIV, AIDS, Zika, etc). Ignorant graduates when asked to define “democratic socialism” describe “being social and caring about others” instead of the ideology of Marx and Lenin.

___The Progressives want a North American Union with no borders between Mexico-U.S. or U.S.-Canada, unrestricted immigration in the NAU and the Amero as the common currency. They have promised punishment for the U.K starting with “moving to the back of the line” for trade. If anything, trade with the U.K. should be as unrestricted as that with Canada. It was appropriate for Trump to speak on their behalf from the U.K. Our economic relationship should blossom under a Trump presidency. What we both need is another Margaret Thatcher! She was Reagan's mentor and helped to dismantle European socialism. It needs to happen again.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Birthright Citizenship Illegal in U.S.A.

___Many people by deceit or ignorance state that any child born in the United States is automatically a citizen of the United States. This was “birthright citizenship” in 17th century England. The United States Constitution 14th Amendment places two requirements for citizenship: 1) born or naturalized in the United States; 2) subject to the jurisdiction thereof.

___If the wife of a foreign diplomat who has diplomatic immunity gives birth in the United States, then the baby is not a citizen. We can also tell that a mother who enters the United States illegally is not “ subject to the jurisdiction thereof.” I believe that the same is true for the unborn child, but suppose we do not know until the child is born. If the child ever commits a crime, then the child should be stripped of citizenship along with punishment for the crime. If the child shows allegiance to another country – by waving that flag – then the child should be stripped of citizenship.

___Common sense fails many judges when they consider the words of the Constitution. In 1857 the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) decided in Dred Scott that no black of African descent could be a citizen of the United States. The Congress corrected this horrendous decision with the Civil Rights Act of 1866. The peoples' House is where such issues should be debated and settled. The problem is that laws are not being enforced. We no longer have rule of law. We are ruled by bureaucrats and judges who ignore the law or refuse to enforce it.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Welcome to Shariah Law!

___The Orlando shooting was predictable – if you acknowledge that most terrorists are Islamists. Under Shariah law, homosexuality is a capital crime. So is being an infidel, but you are given the “opportunity” to convert before you are beheaded.

___The idea of gun control as a solution is akin to airplane control as a solution to 9/11. AG Holder gave thousands of weapons to criminals. If they can't buy them on the black market, then the Obama folks give them out – without a backgound check!

___ISIS wants to re-establish the caliphate (Ottoman Empire) which existed from 1299 to 1924. Britain and France divided up the Middle East after WWI with little understanding of ethnic differences like Sunni and Shi'ia. Terrorist groups like Hezbollah, Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood are treated like political parties. Israel is encouraged to “make peace” with these groups sworn to destroy them.

___It was easier to declare that we are “at war with terror” in 2001. The massive loss on 9/11 was horrifying – as was the loss in Boston, San Bernadino, Orlando, etc. Our representatives in Congress should formally declare war on terrorists everywhere who threaten the United States. The last time that war was declared was 75 years ago in 1941. Many Americans have lost their lives in “political excursions” since then – over 58,000 in my generation!

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

It's Called Hyperbole and It's Intentional Exaggeration to Mislead

___The current "they are trying to draft our daughters and girlfriends" argument reminds me of Gore's "the Arctic ice is melting; polar bears will die; and Miami will be under 20 feet of water." This is intentional exaggeration calculated to mislead. There is no draft, and Congress would have to act to reinstate it. Miss USA says that women can perform as well in combat as men. I am sure that she is talking about Ziva David of NCIS instead of June Cleaver of Leave It To Beaver! Gore was right that some ice melted due to summer sun and some polar bears died. There has been an increase in polar bears, and the streets of Miami are still dry - except when it rains.

___People who communicate should avoid false generalizations and intentional exaggerations. I am amazed at the apparent ignorance of English by the media - particularly using adjectives when adverbs are required and the use of can and may. You wonder whether they are deceitful or just ignorant.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

How Obama Breaks the Law

___The peoples' elected representatives in the House determine a need and pass a law appropriating funds to meet the need. The Executive spends the money as the law specifies.

___Last week, the Senate passed legislation to address and prevent the spread of the Zika virus. However, the Senate failed to pay for it, and instead approved a $1.1 billion “emergency”* spending supplemental bill that is not subject to the budgetary caps that were agreed to last year.

___Obama took $500M for Zika to Finance UN’s Green Climate Fund. This is illegal and follows the pattern used since taking office in January 2009.

* In a population of over 323 million, less than 1000 have been affected - mostly by sexual contact since mosquitoes are well-controlled.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Littered With a Kroger EBT Receipt

A low-life litterer left an Kroger EBT receipt on my walkway:

Corky's BBQ $13.49



Diet Coke $4.99


Total $28.47

Isn't it a shame that our government takes taxpayer money and gives it to such profligate shoppers?! Cake and shortcake with Diet Coke? Carbonated beverages instead of water? Prepared food so they don't have to cook? The D.C. political cartel has their vote!

Saturday, May 14, 2016

The 2016 Election is Critical to Our Republic

___Ted Cruz was my favorite for President of the United States, but the people have spoken. Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee.

___What I would like to see now is whether he will surround himself with limited government advisors. I would support Newt Gingrich as the VP nominee, UN Ambassador John Bolton as Secretary of State, Dr Ben Carson as Secretary of HHS, Gov Chris Christie as Attorney General and Rudi Juliani as head of Homeland Security. Ted Cruz would be an excellent replacement for Scalia at SCotUS!

___Conservatives must vote. Opting out of this election is not an option. Bill Clinton won the 1992 election with a minority because of a third-party candidate, and Obama won in 2012 because 26 million evangelicals stayed home. We also need to elect constitutional conservatives at all levels of government and reinstate the rule of law in America.

Friday, May 13, 2016

What the 24/7 Cable Channels Consider to be BREAKING NEWS

BREAKING NEWS: Media (Facebook) filters the news events which are carried!

BREAKING NEWS: Politicians disagree on policies and sometimes resort to name calling!

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Progressives and the North American Union

___The Progressives knew that the New Deal could not be sustained without large numbers of young workers. Dr Walter Williams has correctly called Social Security “a Ponzi scheme with a gun.”

___Part of the plan has been to have a North American Union, NAU, similar to the European Union (EU). It was not popular when proposed, because Mexico did not fit well. Canada and the United States have had a trade agreement since 1987. Mexico was added in 1994 under North American Free Trade Agreement, NAFTA, under President Clinton and a Democrat Congress (Democrats controlled Congress from 1955 to January 1995). Progressives have sought to allow massive numbers of Mexicans into the United States – both legal and illegal - in order to pad the support for NAU.

___Mexico has very strict immigration laws which effectively block immigrants from poor countries to their south. If the NAU was a good deal for the United States, then a wall on Mexico's southern border would be about a thousand miles shorter than a wall between Mexico and the United States – particularly if Belize and the northern portion of Guatemala were absorbed by the NAU. The key question is how much of our national sovereignty do we lose?

___The big difference in the EU and NAU should be multiculturalism versus assimilation. The United States has had assimilation in the past. We have been described as a "melting pot." Europe has encouraged multiculturalism (valuing one's cultural heritage instead of embracing the culture of one's new country). Muslim enclaves have recognized Sharia law in place of the law of the country they inhabit. This has led to the problems we see - support for terrorists from within. The United States Constitution (Law) is not compatible with Sharia law.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

American Liberals Leaving in Droves

___The flood of Trump fearing American liberals sneaking across the border into Canada has intensified in the past week, sparking calls for increased patrols to stop the illegal immigration. The Republican Presidential primary campaign is prompting an exodus among left leaning citizens who fear they'll soon be required to hunt, pray, and live according to conservative ideas about the Constitution.

___Canadian border farmers say it's not uncommon to see dozens of sociology professors, global warming activists, and "green" energy proponents crossing their fields at night. "I went out to milk the cows the other day, and there was a Hollywood producer huddled in the barn," said Southern Manitoba farmer Red Greenfield, whose acreage borders North Dakota. â€Å“The producer was cold, exhausted and hungry. He asked me if I could spare a latte and some free-range chicken. When I said I didn't have any, he left before I even got a chance to show him my screenplay, eh?" In an effort to stop the illegal aliens, Greenfield erected higher fences, but the liberals scaled them. He then installed loudspeakers that blared Rush Limbaugh across the fields, but they just keep coming.

___Officials are particularly concerned about smugglers who meet liberals near the Canadian border, pack them into electric cars and drive them across the border where they are simply left to fend for themselves after the battery dies.

___"A lot of these people are not prepared for our rugged conditions," an Ontario border patrolman said. "I found one carload without a single bottle of Perrier drinking water. They did have a nice little Napa Valley Cabernet, though, and some kale chips."

___When liberals are caught, they're sent back across the border, often wailing loudly that they fear assassination from Trump high hairers. Rumors have been circulating about plans being made to build re-education camps where liberals will be forced to drink domestic beer and study the Constitution.

___In recent days, liberals have turned to ingenious ways of crossing the border. Some have been disguised as senior citizens taking a bus trip to buy cheap Canadian prescription drugs. After catching a half- dozen young vegans in blue-hair wig disguises, Canadian immigration authorities began stopping buses and quizzing the supposed senior citizens about Perry Como and Rosemary Clooney to prove that they were alive in the '50s. "If they can't identify the accordion player on The Lawrence Welk Show, we become very suspicious about their age," an official said.

___Canadian citizens have complained that the illegal immigrants are creating an organic-broccoli shortage, buying up all the Barbara Streisand c.d.'s, and renting all the Michael Moore movies. "I really feel sorry for American liberals, but the Canadian economy just can't support them," an Ottawa resident said. "How many art-history majors does one country need?"

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

The Widening Income Gap Between Rich and Poor

___The rich are getting richer, and the poor are getting poorer? Wrong! The gap between the incomes may be widening, but the poor are getting richer also.

___Why is the gap widening? The rich make and spend money more efficiently than the poor. The poor may not have a vehicle, so they shop at the most convenient store. The rich usually have more than one vehicle and can shop where their dollars are most effectively and frugally spent. Compare food prices at a “convenience” store and a Costco. Customers pay a membership fee at a Costco because they will save more than the fee during the membership period. The income of the poor (welfare or Social Security) is relatively static compared to the open-ended income of the rich. The cost of necessities (food, medicine, basic clothing and basic housing) is not that different for the poor and the rich, but it is a far greater percentage of the poor's income. The rich will be able to save and invest a large portion of their income thus increasing their future incomes. They can buy designer clothing and live in mansions. The poor borrow money at title pawn stores or “sub-prime lenders” at more than 36% interest. Many borrow with credit cards and make “minimum payments.” If the rich have to borrow money, then they do so at “prime rates” or lower.

___Income usually increases with the amount of education that a person has. A person can typically avoid poverty by staying in school and applying him/herself. A teenage girl who becomes pregnant and drops out of school before graduation, will typically not become rich. A blue-collar worker with a single skill will typically be unemployed at some time in the global economy - which requires flexibility to perform whatever task is required. Many industrial workers have been replaced by automation and the demands of total quality control. In 1776 most Americans earned some income from growing food and crops. By 2016, most food and crops were grown by about 2% of the population. Change happens, and we must develop the skills needed to adapt and prosper.

___Many (like the Tubmans of Augusta) freed their slaves and paid for their passage back to Africa. The Economist says that in 2006 the per-capita GDP in the United States was $37,240. In Liberia, where the freed slaves were sent, the per-capita GDP was $900. The “poor” in America would be considered “rich” in Liberia!

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Congress Needs Balance Against the Supreme Court

___In 1857 the Supreme Court of the United States, SCOTUS, ruled that no black of African descent could be a citizen of the United States. The 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution (ratified 1868) says that “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”

___The purpose of the 14th Amendment was to undo the precedent of the 1857 SCOTUS decision. It was not to legalize abortion and same-sex marriage in all states or even to overrule the Florida Supreme Court in the 2000 Presidential election. It has become a gold mine for activist judges. The SCOTUS also ruled that detaining American citizens of German or Japanese descent in concentration* camps during WWII was legal. That same precedent would allow us to place American citizens of Muslim faith in concentration camps during the war on terror – which is a possible reason that the POTUS refuses to name jihadists as Islamist terrorists.

___We need to quit criticizing our founding fathers and begin appreciating and studying their creation instead. Rather than complain about gridlock in Washington, D.C., we need to thank those who stopped illegal actions. Some consider SCOTUS decisions as an end. The Congress can pass laws to correct illegal SCOTUS decisions. If you read dissenting opinions for the same-sex decision, then Justices are called elitist activists who are ignoring the very Constitution that they have sworn an oath to interpret. The 10th Amendment (ratified 1789 by our founding fathers) was ignored in favor of the 14th! It is certain that Madison, the primary author, had a better concept of the document than did the 1868 and 2015 justices!

___I recently saw protestors stomping on an American flag. That is a 1st Amendment right of free speech for citizens, but should these folks be citizens? Are they subject to the jurisdiction thereof? Normally the phrase refused American citizenship to those diplomats and their families with “diplomatic immunity” who had a baby while in the United States. I would also refuse American citizenship to those who disavow allegiance by desecrating an American flag or promoting a flag of another country. So think about that when people wave Mexican flags on cinco de mayo!

* The politically correct term is “internment” camps.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Article V Convention of States - SC Status

___The United States Constitution provides two ways to amend itself. Elected members of Congress may propose amendment(s) and 2/3 of the House and Senate must approve the amendment(s) before being sent to the states. Then ¾ of the states must ratify the amendment(s) before being added to the Constitution. The second method is for 2/3 of the state legislatures to propose specific amendments at a convention of states. Again ¾ of the states must ratify the amendment(s) before being added to the Constitution.

___The United States Constitution has been amended only 17 times – once to undo a previous amendment (prohibition). Ten amendments, the bill of rights, were necessary for states to approve the original Constitution.

___The usual argument against the convention of states is a fear that the Constitution will be substantially rewritten. The same unfounded argument can be used when members of Congress propose an amendment. The same 2/3 and ¾ requirements apply in either case, and only amendments are discussed. A Balanced Budget Amendment or term limits for members of Congress and the federal courts would change the original Constitution – just like the 2-term limit for President, but our basic balance of power and constitutional republic structure will be unchanged.

___Americans need to consider why America works. France has had 2 empires and 5 republics since our Constitution was written. Our founders knew what they were doing. They were not just a bunch of “dead white guys!” But when the federal government becomes too corrupt, the people have a constitutional solution built in to our founding legal base.

___About 37 states – including SC – are well into passing the CoS legislation. SC has stalled in the Judiciary Committee chaired by Rep. Greg Delleney. His constituents need to call, email and write to him encouraging him to finish the job.

___Our national debt is $19.3 Trillion, but we also have student loan debt of $1.3 Trillion with a default rate of about 20% and unfunded promises for Medicare/Medicaid and Social Security of over $100 Trillion. Not only must we balance our budget, but we must run a surplus. That happened in FY2000 when welfare reform finally showed savings. All of those reforms have been gutted. The status quo leads to bankruptcy (or revolution) in less than 20 years unless we find our Margaret Thatcher.



Monday, March 21, 2016

Medical Treatment for All

___The Democrats controlled the Congress from 1955 to 1995 and during the last two years of George W. Bush's Presidency (when the "debt crisis" occurred). In 1986 they passed COBRA which included EMTALA: The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA), an act of the United States Congress, passed as part of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). It requires hospital Emergency Departments that accept payments from Medicare/Federal Medicaid to provide an appropriate medical screening examination to individuals seeking treatment for a medical condition, regardless of citizenship, legal status, or ability to pay. Hospitals may not transfer or discharge patients needing emergency treatment except with the informed consent or stabilization of the patient or when their condition requires transfer to a hospital better equipped to administer the treatment.

___The above was not newsworthy when the Affordable Care And Patient Protection Act was passed by Democrats in 2010. Hospitals and insurance companies benefited because EMTALA was an "unfunded mandate." Uncompensated care represents 6% of total hospital costs.

___Clinton did not want medical care for illegal aliens to be covered by taxpayers under Hilliarycare. Now she wants "rich" taxpayers to cover illegals. When progressives got the 16th Amendment ratified, Americans were promised that only the richest 3% would pay any income tax. Surprise! They Lie!

Friday, March 18, 2016

Delegate Count as of 18 March 2016

___Trump 621

Non-Trump 717

Needed for nomination on 1st ballot: 1237 The media is hyping fear of a "contested convention." We live in a country with a Constitution full of checks and balances! The delegates are "won" in "contested primaries" and the nominees of the parties will run in "contested elections."

___On the Democrat side, Clinton leads by a wide margin proving that Democrats approve of sloppy security (58,000+ of my generation died in Vietnam thanks to politicians' hands-on management and poor security) and government favors for sale.

___Clinton says "no one died on my watch" as Secretary of State. Really?! We need a President who will tell us the truth (and can count past 0)!

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Productivity Decreases; Unit Labor Costs Increase

___Productivity decreased 2.2 percent in the non-farm business sector in the fourth quarter of 2015; unit labor costs increased 3.3 percent (seasonally adjusted annual rates). In manufacturing, productivity decreased 0.7 percent and unit labor costs increased 3.2 percent.

Monday, February 29, 2016

An Elitist Political Class Makes Better Spending Decisions?

___The guiding premise of the Progressives is that an elitist political class can make better spending decisions than individual Americans. History demonstrates that the premise is false. The economy did quite well under Kennedy, Reagan and even George W. Bush after taxes were reduced. The “roaring 20s” were still the most prosperous for government with budget surpluses for each of Coolidge's six years. Critics would say that the “excessive exuberance” of the 1920s led to the 1929 stock market crash, but that was a small part. The isolationist tariffs and high minimum wages caused the 25% unemployment. We also had “excessive exuberance” before the “junk bond crash” in 1987, “dot.com crash” in 2000 and the “real estate/credit crash” in 2007. These followed periods of good growth.

___Corporations and the very wealthy are the villains of the Progressive century-old conspiracy. History again shows the error. The oil giant that became Standard Oil, Inc also saved the whales! Most lighting used whale oil as a fuel. Rockefeller made kerosene so cheap that whale oil sales became insignificant. U.S. Steel made it possible to build buildings with more than 3 stories. General Electric and Westinghouse lit our world and powered our appliances. Ford made the car affordable. J.P. Morgan had to bail out the United States treasury when Gould cornered the gold market.

___It is more often the government's fiscal policy that drives jobs to another city, state or country. Examples are the shortstop for the New York Yankees being a resident of Florida, and the co-founder of Facebook becoming a citizen of Singapore. States have adapted by putting a tax on income where it is earned. Athletes should boycott [Super Bowl] games in high-tax cities and states. Internet sales are now taxed. Multinational corporations pay foreign taxes on profits and U.S. taxes on the same profits if they bring them back to the United States (so the capital is left overseas stimulating our competitors). You have an absurd case of a $50 Billion U.S. corporation being “bought” by a $10 Billion Irish corporation, and the headquarters address being Ireland (for tax purposes).

___The United States became the most powerful economy with the written Constitution giving balance of power, property rights and the rule of law, and The Wealth of Nations as economic theory. Progressives say the Constitution was written by “a bunch of dead white guys,” and Karl Marx and John Maynard Keynes provide the “updated” economic theory. The 2009 “stimulus” took over $700 Billion from taxpayers, and elitist politicians spent it on solar and wind projects. Some was spent on “shovel-ready” projects which had been planned for future years and were completed earlier. Most was spent on loyal Progressive supporters.

___Most people should not go to college. The lotteries were sold as “free college education for the masses.” Basic economics says that a dramatic increase in demand (students) and a relatively static supply (colleges) will mean an increase in costs. Thatcher said pretty soon you run out of other peoples' money, so a B average was required. Thugs threatened teachers. An additional requirement of 18 on the ACT was hastily added. When costs rose rapidly, the taxpayers guaranteed student loans (currently over $1.3 Trillion with a rising default rate). The Progressives want to forgive the debt and make college tuition free. Graduates will make $15/hr even if they cannot find a job in their field! Unemployment was extended from 26 to 99 weeks years ago. Who needs to work?!

___We have a problem with entitlement programs. Dr Williams calls Social Security a Ponzi scheme with a gun. Actually, if you refuse to pay FICA payroll tax, you would be sent to prison – maybe GiTMo! The population demographics of the United States, Japan and Europe does not support a welfare state. You need a pyramid with few elderly and disabled (takers) at the top and many (workers) at the base.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Protection of Our National Security

___In the 1950s the United States under Eisenhower had several hundred military advisors in Vietnam. Kennedy raised that to several thousand. Johnson intervened in a civil war between North Vietnam and South Vietnam and increased our numbers to several hundred thousand. Over 48 thousand of my generation died in this political and military intervention. I was in college during the 1960s, and my career choices were limited to the branches of the military. In 1967 when I graduated, there were over 700,000 American military personnel in Southeast Asia. I joined the U.S. Air Force in August.

___I served in Space Systems and Missile Warning. I had a Secret security clearance, and I received classified information about our enemies and their capabilities. I had sworn to protect that information, and I have.

___In our representative form of government, we elect those who will get the security clearances and make decisions based on the classified information they receive. It is vital to the national security that we choose well. If revealed, Top Secret information can cause “exceptionally grave damage to the national security.” Our methods and key people could be revealed and intelligence could be compromised for decades. George W. Bush was criticized for using human intelligence data that indicated “weapons of mass destruction” in Iraq. By the time Iraq was invaded, these weapons had been moved or never existed. Our human intelligence is imperfect. The enemy does not post their plans and capabilities on Facebook! If our methods for obtaining human intelligence are compromised, then we will be blind, and our operatives may die.

___Hillary Clinton, the Democrat candidate, is being investigated for failure to secure classified – including Top Secret/Special Access Required – data. General Petraeus was convicted for far less. It is amazing that over 70% of my fellow South Carolinians believe that Clinton should be the next President! As if Barack Obama – surrounding himself with high-level Muslim advisors like Valerie Jarret – hasn't done enough damage already!

Friday, February 26, 2016

Who Said Anything About a Draft?

___There is no draft. The last draft was for Vietnam – over 40 years ago!

___We have a sexist law called the Selective Service Act which gathers information on males when they turn 18. Women are not included because the Biblical role of the woman is to make a home while the Biblical role of the man is to protect that home. The Bible also says that God gives each of us gifts. If I have a gift for cooking and my wife has a gift for business, then I should make the home, and my wife should work in business. The healthiest and strongest should protect the home.

___Men and women are not equal. Neither are all men equal or all women equal. I am a man, but there are many women who are stronger [and smarter] than me.

___Congress plays games with names for a law. My favorite is the Motherhood and Apple Pie Act (MAPA). If you vote against it, then you are obviously against motherhood and apple pie. Treason! So, when a law is named “selective service,” the actual law could contain a military draft, but let's assume the law is named correctly. President Kennedy said “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country!” I don't think that he wanted both young men and women to go into military combat! Both young and old were paid to help in America and around the world to teach methods to avoid and escape poverty and death.

___Women have correctly demanded equal benefits. They should also be willing to accept equal responsibilities!

Thursday, February 25, 2016

The Wisdom of Justice Antonin Scalia

Justice Antonin Scalia, who died Saturday during his 29th year on the Supreme Court, was known for a sharp wit as well as a brilliant legal mind, and he expressed both with his tongue as well as his pen.

1. “What is a moderate interpretation of the text? Halfway between what it really means and what you’d like it to mean?” (Remarks at Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, D.C., 2005.)

2. “There is nothing new in the realization that the Constitution sometimes insulates the criminality of a few in order to protect the privacy of us all.” (Majority opinion, Arizona v. Hicks, 1987.)

3. “God assumed from the beginning that the wise of the world would view Christians as fools … and he has not been disappointed. … If I have brought any message today, it is this: Have the courage to have your wisdom regarded as stupidity. Be fools for Christ. And have the courage to suffer the contempt of the sophisticated world.” (Speech at Living the Catholic Faith conference, 2012.)

4. “If you think aficionados of a living Constitution want to bring you flexibility, think again. You think the death penalty is a good idea? Persuade your fellow citizens to adopt it. You want a right to abortion? Persuade your fellow citizens and enact it. That’s flexibility.” (Speech, Wilson Center, 2005.)

5. “The purpose of the Federalist Society was to bring together young people who had this skepticism about what they were being taught and to let them know that there were others who shared this skepticism.” (Remarks, Federalist Society’s 20th anniversary gala, 2002.)

6. “A law can be both economic folly and constitutional.” (Concurring opinion, CTS Corp. v. Dynamics Corp of America, 1987.)

7. “If we’re picking people to draw out of their own conscience and experience a ‘new’ Constitution, we should not look principally for good lawyers. We should look to people who agree with us. When we are in that mode, you realize we have rendered the Constitution useless.” (Speech, Wilson Center, 2005.)

8. “It is one of the unhappy incidents of the federal system that a self-righteous Supreme Court, acting on its members’ personal view of what would make a ‘more perfect Union’ (a criterion only slightly more restrictive than a ‘more perfect world’) can impose its own favored social and economic dispositions nationwide.” (Dissent, United States v. Virginia, 1996.)

9. “Bear in mind that brains and learning, like muscle and physical skill, are articles of commerce. They are bought and sold. You can hire them by the year or by the hour. The only thing in the world not for sale is character.” (Commencement address, College of William and Mary, 1996.)

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Bring Back Foreign Profits Already Taxed

___Multinational corporations should bring foreign profits home with no additional penalty. The taxes have been paid, and the cash sits in foreign banks stimulating foreign businesses.

___Ideally corporations should pay zero tax since taxes are an expense which must be included in the cost of the product making them uncompetitive. Foreign countries do not include the VAT on exports. This gives U.S. companies an additional disadvantage. Congress should pass a tax holiday for the foreign profits of U.S. multinationals already taxed.

___This will stimulate the economy, and the Democrats will take credit, but most Americans will be helped. This would be different than the misguided "stimulus" in 2009 which took money from taxpayers - who spend frugally - to give to the political class -who spend profligately. See 27 Jan 2016 post for more.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

What Exactly is a "Natural-Born Citizen"?

___The Naturalization Act of 1790, which is actually the only U.S. statute ever to use the term “natural born citizen”, clearly qualifies Ted Cruz as a natural born citizen. 8 USC § 1401, the relevant current statute, doesn’t use the term, but in no way contradicts the 1790 Act.

___George Washington signed the Act into law. James Madison, the principal author of our Constitution, was also in agreement.

A Champion of the Constitution is Dead

___Justice Antonin Scalia has died. His dissent in last summer's same sex marriage decision should be read by every American. He reminded us that the American Revolution was over taxation without representation. The Supreme Court is practicing social transformation without represntation!

“A Constitution is not meant to facilitate change. It is meant to impede change, to make it difficult to change.” – Justice Scalia

___The tragedy is that Barack Obama will replace Justice Scalia with one who has disdain rather than respect for the Constitution.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

The United Socialist States of America (USSA)

___The number of food stamp recipients has risen dramatically, from 17.2 million in 2000 to 45.8 million in 2015, and the most rapid growth in the food stamp caseload in recent years has been among childless adults able to work.

___When work requirements were established in the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program in the late 1990s, nationwide caseloads dropped by almost 80%, albeit over a few years rather than a few months. President Clinton vetoed the welfare legislation twice and then signed it the third time - and then took credit for the surplus!

___Unemployment compensation has been extended from 26 weeks (6 months) to 99 weeks (almost 2 years). This is tax-free. Who wants to work?

___The national debt is over $19 Trillion, and the unfunded liabilities are over $101 Trillion.

___I declared independence from the USSA in writing in December 2010 (see text on 4 July 2010).

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Government Admits Selective Service Law is Sexist!

___On sss.gov: While there has been talk recently about women in combat, there has been NO decision to require females to register with Selective Service, or be subject to a future military draft. Selective Service continues to register only men, ages 18 through 25.

___If women want the equality granted by the Equal Pay Act of 1963, then they should accept the responsibility to the country!

Economic Freedom in 2016

___The Heritage Foundation published its 2016 Index of Economic Freedom on 1 February. The categories are:

Rule of Law: Property Rights; Freedom from Corruption

Limited Government: Government Spending; Fiscal Freedom

Regulatory Efficiency: Business Freedom; Labor Freedom; Monetary Freedom

Open Markets: Trade Freedom; Investment Freedom; Financial Freedom

___The United States moved from 12th to 11th when Denmark moved down a full point while the U.S. only moved down 0.8. You should hold the celebration and the champagne since we are still behind Chile and Estonia!

View the new Index at:


Friday, February 5, 2016

Labor Force Participation in America

___Among the major worker groups, the unemployment rates for adult men (4.5 percent) and Whites (4.3 percent) declined in January. The jobless rates for adult women (4.5 percent), teenagers (16.0 percent), Blacks (8.8 percent), Asians (3.7 percent), and Hispanics (5.9 percent) showed little change over the month.

___The number of long-term unemployed (those jobless for 27 weeks to 99 weeks) was essentially unchanged in January, at 2.1 million, and has shown little movement since June. These individuals accounted for 26.9 percent of the unemployed.

___After accounting for the annual adjustments to the population controls, the civilian labor force and total employment, as measured by the household survey, were little changed in January. The labor force participation rate, at 62.7 percent, is the lowest since 1977.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Charles Krauthammer on The Clinton Foundation

___The Clinton Foundation is "organized crime" at its finest, and we are financing it! Here is a good, concise summary of how the Clinton Foundation works as a tax free international money laundering scheme. It may eventually prove to be the largest political criminal enterprise in U.S. history. This is a textbook case on how you hide foreign money sent to you and re-package it, to be used for your own purposes. All tax free.

___Here's how it works:

1. You create a separate foreign "charity." In this case one in Canada.

2. Foreign oligarch's & governments, then donate to this Canadian charity. In this case, over 1,000 did, contributing mega millions. I am sure they did this out of the goodness of their hearts, and expected nothing in return. (Imagine Putin's buddies waking up one morning and just deciding to send un-told millions to a Canadian charity).

3. The Canadian charity then bundles these separate donations & makes a massive donation to the Clinton Foundation.

4. The Clinton Foundation, and the cooperating Canadian charity claim Canadian law prohibits the identification of individual donors.

5. The Clinton Foundation, then "spends" some of this money, for legitimate good works programs. Unfortunately, experts believe this is on the order of 10%. Much of the balance goes to enrich the Clinton's, pay salaries to un-told numbers of hangers on, & fund lavish travel, etc. Again virtually all tax free, which means you & I are subsidizing it.

6. The Clinton Foundation with access to the world's best accountants, somehow fails to report much of this on their tax filings. They discover these "clerical errors" and begin the process of re-filing 5 years of tax returns.

7. Net result: foreign money, much of it from other countries, goes into the Clinton's pockets tax free & untraceable back to the original donor. This is the textbook definition of money laundering.

___Oh, by the way, the Canadian "charity" includes, as a principal one Frank Giustra. Google him. He is the guy who was central to the formation of Uranium One, a Canadian company that somehow acquired massive U.S. uranium interests & then sold them to an organization controlled by Russia. This transaction required U.S. State Department approval, and, guess who was Secretary of State, when the approval, was granted? As an aside, imagine how former, Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell feels. That poor schlep is in jail because he and his wife took $165,000 in gifts and loans for doing minor favors, for a guy promoting, a vitamin company. Not legal, but not exactly putting U.S. security at risk.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The Coming Boom in America - Will It Happen?

___Would you like to see a dramatic increase in the value of your IRA or 401k? What the federal government and the Fed have done so far with stimulus/QE and devaluing the dollar has been ineffective.

___American multinational companies have made trillions of dollars in profits overseas and have paid the foreign taxes on those profits. Our profligate-spending, big government Congress wants another 35% of those profits, so those profits stay in foreign banks stimulating our competitors. More than two trillions of dollars being injected into our anemic economy will cause it to boom. Our corporations will be significantly stronger fiscally, and they will be able to compete better.

___The stimulus didn't work because tax dollars were used to pay the stimulus. Consumption was simply shifted from taxpayers to politicians. QE didn't work because it created money and devalued the dollar. The stock market went up, but this was artificial. There was no actual increase in valuations of stock companies. Bringing back foreign profits already taxed is very different. No money is taken from taxpayers, and American corporations spend the money for growth and jobs.

___The employees of corporations do not pay the “corporate tax.” The purchaser of their product does. The ideal tax on American corporations is zero. Employee income and stockholder dividends would be taxed as ordinary income, and Warren Buffet's rate would not be lower than his secretary.

___The American economy is set to boom when the onerous regulations and taxes are reduced. We are literally “sitting on a gold mine” with our abundent resources. The ignorant ban on exports of American oil has finally been lifted, and we can sell some of the “oversupply” that God and technology has blessed us with. Even though the Employment Prevention Agency (Obama's EPA) has killed the coal industry in America, China and India will gladly buy our coal and pollute the planet's atmosphere.

___In November we will elect a new President. He/she will hopefully embrace and value the American idea (Constitution, free market, Judeo-Christian values, rule of law, etc) instead of denigrating and apologizing for it.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Email to Congressman Joe Wilson (SC-2) on Education & Abortion

___I have received your responses of federal control of education and defunding Planned Parenthood. You actions seem insincere and hypocritical when you have voted to fully fund both in the Omnibus funding bill.

___Speaker Ryan has said that appropriations will begin in the appropriate committees, expert witnesses will be heard in committee and separate appropriation legislation will be sent to the floor - hopefully by 30 June. Please make this happen so that taxpayers are not extorted with a shutdown as in past years.

___Your Heritage Action score is 65 indicating big government, establishment, political class.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

The Case For IBM

___IBM is one of the DOW 30 companies. It has a long history of excellence and innovation. I used the model 360 mainframe computer in 1968 while in graduate school at U. of Missouri. Two 360 mainframes controlled the thousands of transmitters and receivers of the phased-array radar where I was Senior Director in 1975. IBM became a leader in the PC world and made MS-DOS the standard OS when it licensed it from Microsoft's Bill Gates. It eventually sold its PC business to Chinese company Lenovo as the PC business has become a commodity business.

___IBM has had decreasing revenues as the high-technology world transitions to the global economy. Its most recent quarter, it reported revenue of $22.1B and net income of $4.5B. Profit for the year will be about $13.4B While most companies would be ecstatic with such results, IBM stock plumeted to $118. The stock had reached about $200/share in 2013.

___Like other multinational companies, IBM has left its foreign profits overseas instead of having them taxed a second time. IBM has been buying back its stock for years as its dividend yield has increased. It has been cheaper to borrow money than pay dividends – now about 4%. It has about $154B in Treasury stock. It also has about $141B in Retained Earnings and $9B in cash.

___IBM has an effort called “Strategic Initiatives” which is doing well and growing at an impressive rate. It has major competitors in Amazon, Google and Microsoft for cloud computing and other initiatives (like smart homes and smart cities). When the global downturn ends, there be much money to efficiently control the production and use of electricity and other power and energy sources. Waste and polution has been minimized in the United States using technology, and the same thing can be done in the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) and other nations.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Science versus science Fiction (junk science)

___I love science. The University of Missouri declared me a Master of Science in 1969. I have a real problem with junk science. I understand the pressure to publish for academics and to pay bills for everyone.

___The scientific method is 1) Experiment and gather data, 2) Form a hypothesis, 3) Test the hypothesis, 4) Peer test the hypothesis, 5) Theory, 6) Law.

___The “Big Bang” idea and the “evolution” idea are outside of science. There were no observations; testing of a hypothesis is not possible; and calling these theories is a scam. Theory has a scientific ring to it, but imagination and faith are involved here – not science.

___I worked as the DBA of the Weather Center in the now Savannah River National Lab at the Savannah River Site. Created to warn locals of how radioactive releases would spread, the Weather Center has collected about 60 years of quality, calibrated climate data. Two certified technicians calibrate the equipment twice yearly in rotation to ensure accuracy. The data comes from instruments on a dozen towers located throughout the 310 square mile Site and the 1000-ft TV tower in Beech Island.

___Junk science differs because data is never questioned for validity, or it is specifically selected to prove an hypothesis. Both practices degrade the integrity of true science. Consider a instrument measuring temperature which was once isolated in a field. The field is now asphalt and concrete and stores. The quality of the data has changed because the environment in which the data is taken has changed.

___Scientists so-called also make assumptions which make their task easier but may lead to false conclusions. In carbon dating, the ratio of C14 to C12 is carefully measured in the lab. The scientist does not know the ratio in the atmosphere or the decay rate 50,000 years ago, but it is convenient to assume that it was the same as in the air in the lab. This is the uniformitarian “theory.” It has been largely rejected, but it is used when convenient by junk scientists. How much C14 was originally present? Junk scientists assume that all carbon was originally C14 and that all C12 currently present is the result of radioactive decay of the original C14 according to the current decay rate.

___Climate “models” are mathematical representations of reality. Not all variables – like volcanic eruptions – are quantifiable, and computers may not be able to calculate results within the given time restraints. Estimates become quesses (SWAGs) rather than reality. Politicians take these and use them as a basis for policy.

___To those who revere science in the extreme, remember the Flat Earth Theory, the Geocentric Solar System Theory, medical science removing “bad blood” with leaches, “The Coming Ice Age” cover of Newsweek 1975, global warming causing 2005 hurricanes like Katrina and Rita and then causing few storms for the next years and then causing Sandy, etc. Some “scientists” have become modern day snake oil salesmen and confidence men!

Buy Low Now Sell High After Obama

___The power of POTUS is great, but he cannot keep the number 1 economy stagnant forever. His huge tax increase with PPACA, the thousands of new regulations, the progressive takeover of education, and disdain for our Constitution and what made us great have severely limited us for 7 years. But he will leave office 20 January 2017!

___Even with his disdain for carbon-based fuel the United States now has the largest reserves of oil and natural gas in the world. The stupid 1970s ban of American exports of oil is gone. We still import over 7 million barrels of oil each day, but it is much cheaper than over 10 million barrels of oil each day only years ago. Oil-funded welfare states are hurting!

___Americans will be shocked at how quickly the economy recovers when PPACA is repealed, harmful regulations are immediately paused, and over two trillion dollars of foreign profits are brought home to jump start the American economy. The corporate tax rate should be dramatically lowered (ideally to zero), and the tax system reformed to energize business. Consumption should be taxed and not income. The "progressive" amendments (along with Mark Levin's Liberty Amendments) should be repealed with an Article V convention of states.