Thursday, July 14, 2016

The Progressive Method Explained

___Obama and Clinton both are disciples of Saul Alinsky. In the 1950s and ’60s, Alinsky was a very well-known Marxist/communist community organizer. In his book Rules for Radicals, in which he praises Lucifer as “the first radical,” he explained how to achieve the left’s Marxist/communist goals. The first thing is to divide people by race, sex and culture by spreading hate. He went on to explain that creating racism among blacks was a great tool, and most likely the tool that would help overthrow America’s capitalist government. Alinsky said it was OK to use any means to achieve his goals. He believed it was perfectly OK to lie, cheat, steal and even cause some deaths if necessary.

___If you are caught with your hand in the cookie jar (inciting division and riots), then quickly make a video showing you giving cookies to hungry and needy children.

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