Sunday, April 24, 2016

Progressives and the North American Union

___The Progressives knew that the New Deal could not be sustained without large numbers of young workers. Dr Walter Williams has correctly called Social Security “a Ponzi scheme with a gun.”

___Part of the plan has been to have a North American Union, NAU, similar to the European Union (EU). It was not popular when proposed, because Mexico did not fit well. Canada and the United States have had a trade agreement since 1987. Mexico was added in 1994 under North American Free Trade Agreement, NAFTA, under President Clinton and a Democrat Congress (Democrats controlled Congress from 1955 to January 1995). Progressives have sought to allow massive numbers of Mexicans into the United States – both legal and illegal - in order to pad the support for NAU.

___Mexico has very strict immigration laws which effectively block immigrants from poor countries to their south. If the NAU was a good deal for the United States, then a wall on Mexico's southern border would be about a thousand miles shorter than a wall between Mexico and the United States – particularly if Belize and the northern portion of Guatemala were absorbed by the NAU. The key question is how much of our national sovereignty do we lose?

___The big difference in the EU and NAU should be multiculturalism versus assimilation. The United States has had assimilation in the past. We have been described as a "melting pot." Europe has encouraged multiculturalism (valuing one's cultural heritage instead of embracing the culture of one's new country). Muslim enclaves have recognized Sharia law in place of the law of the country they inhabit. This has led to the problems we see - support for terrorists from within. The United States Constitution (Law) is not compatible with Sharia law.

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