Sunday, August 14, 2016

Business Sense is Needed in Government

___It is important to have someone with business sense running the federal government. We are told that cutting taxes will bankrupt the nation. Do businesses have sales in order to destroy their business or to increase the number of customers? We have too many economists who have never run a business!

___Profit is Sales minus Costs. Taxes are a cost which reduces profit. We must make a profit in order to remain in business and keep employees working. Labor is a cost. When automation costs less than manual labor, then we automate and reduce workers. At one time over 90% of Americans were involved in agriculture. Now less than 5% are, but we produce more food! The tractor is more productive than a mule and plow. Technology allows us to plant drought and pest-resistant crops. The same technology effect is true with manufacturing. Some in labor have unrealistic expectations of doing the same job that their father and grandfather did. When excessive labor, regulatory and tax costs drive businesses away, labor blames China or Mexico or big corporations.

___It is unfortunate that people will vote for the politician who offers the largest bribe (PC: incentive). There are over 42 million voting-age Americans with student debt. One bribe will be student loan forgiveness and, while we're at it, free college whether qualified or not. When all but six or seven states are essentially decided, the election will be easily (and illegally) won. Both political parties commit fraud, but there is a reason Progressives hate voter ID! Project Vote has succeeded well in enfranchising the dead and paid transient voters. The IRS has illegally suppressed conservative voting. Government runs the election process (and the DMV and USPS)! Mistakes are made and the effect lasts for years.

___There is a constitutional remedy for federal corruption, but one SC Representative (R-Chester) prevented it. Too bad for US! Hillary was “extremely careless” and did “exceptionally grave damage to the national security.” Our enemies would vote for her!

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