Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The Electoral College and Popular Vote

___Whether it is the 1948 Chicago Daily Tribune newspaper held by President-elect Truman or the current day Newsweek magazine announcing Hillary Clinton's victory, the media makes mistakes. They are still stating that Hillary won the popular vote. This has caused supporters who are not “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” [United States Constitution] to commit domestic terrorism. By definition they are not citizens, they are just thugs. The truth is that the vote counting is not complete. Hillary has a very slim lead of the votes which have been counted. A week after the election some of the media have not given Michigan to Trump. A majority of the votes which have not been counted will probably be for Trump. These are from states where the number of uncounted votes will not affect the electoral vote outcome.

___The Newsweek Madam President issue is selling for $1000 on Ebay. With 125,000 printed and millions copied and sold as cover-only items, there is a lot of money to be made – even for a lie!

___Many who dislike the Constitution will want to change the Electoral College. Those in New Hampshire – and other less populous states - realize that they would not have met the candidates if not for their 4 electoral votes. Hillary apparently won the 4 NH votes with a margin of less than 3,000. Popular-vote elections would be decided in CA, FL, IL, NY and TX. States may determine how their electoral votes may be allocated – as ME and NE have – rather than “winner take all.” The United States Constitution has worked well since 1789!

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