Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Welcome to Shariah Law!

___The Orlando shooting was predictable – if you acknowledge that most terrorists are Islamists. Under Shariah law, homosexuality is a capital crime. So is being an infidel, but you are given the “opportunity” to convert before you are beheaded.

___The idea of gun control as a solution is akin to airplane control as a solution to 9/11. AG Holder gave thousands of weapons to criminals. If they can't buy them on the black market, then the Obama folks give them out – without a backgound check!

___ISIS wants to re-establish the caliphate (Ottoman Empire) which existed from 1299 to 1924. Britain and France divided up the Middle East after WWI with little understanding of ethnic differences like Sunni and Shi'ia. Terrorist groups like Hezbollah, Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood are treated like political parties. Israel is encouraged to “make peace” with these groups sworn to destroy them.

___It was easier to declare that we are “at war with terror” in 2001. The massive loss on 9/11 was horrifying – as was the loss in Boston, San Bernadino, Orlando, etc. Our representatives in Congress should formally declare war on terrorists everywhere who threaten the United States. The last time that war was declared was 75 years ago in 1941. Many Americans have lost their lives in “political excursions” since then – over 58,000 in my generation!

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