Friday, February 26, 2016

Who Said Anything About a Draft?

___There is no draft. The last draft was for Vietnam – over 40 years ago!

___We have a sexist law called the Selective Service Act which gathers information on males when they turn 18. Women are not included because the Biblical role of the woman is to make a home while the Biblical role of the man is to protect that home. The Bible also says that God gives each of us gifts. If I have a gift for cooking and my wife has a gift for business, then I should make the home, and my wife should work in business. The healthiest and strongest should protect the home.

___Men and women are not equal. Neither are all men equal or all women equal. I am a man, but there are many women who are stronger [and smarter] than me.

___Congress plays games with names for a law. My favorite is the Motherhood and Apple Pie Act (MAPA). If you vote against it, then you are obviously against motherhood and apple pie. Treason! So, when a law is named “selective service,” the actual law could contain a military draft, but let's assume the law is named correctly. President Kennedy said “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country!” I don't think that he wanted both young men and women to go into military combat! Both young and old were paid to help in America and around the world to teach methods to avoid and escape poverty and death.

___Women have correctly demanded equal benefits. They should also be willing to accept equal responsibilities!

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