Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The Coming Boom in America - Will It Happen?

___Would you like to see a dramatic increase in the value of your IRA or 401k? What the federal government and the Fed have done so far with stimulus/QE and devaluing the dollar has been ineffective.

___American multinational companies have made trillions of dollars in profits overseas and have paid the foreign taxes on those profits. Our profligate-spending, big government Congress wants another 35% of those profits, so those profits stay in foreign banks stimulating our competitors. More than two trillions of dollars being injected into our anemic economy will cause it to boom. Our corporations will be significantly stronger fiscally, and they will be able to compete better.

___The stimulus didn't work because tax dollars were used to pay the stimulus. Consumption was simply shifted from taxpayers to politicians. QE didn't work because it created money and devalued the dollar. The stock market went up, but this was artificial. There was no actual increase in valuations of stock companies. Bringing back foreign profits already taxed is very different. No money is taken from taxpayers, and American corporations spend the money for growth and jobs.

___The employees of corporations do not pay the “corporate tax.” The purchaser of their product does. The ideal tax on American corporations is zero. Employee income and stockholder dividends would be taxed as ordinary income, and Warren Buffet's rate would not be lower than his secretary.

___The American economy is set to boom when the onerous regulations and taxes are reduced. We are literally “sitting on a gold mine” with our abundent resources. The ignorant ban on exports of American oil has finally been lifted, and we can sell some of the “oversupply” that God and technology has blessed us with. Even though the Employment Prevention Agency (Obama's EPA) has killed the coal industry in America, China and India will gladly buy our coal and pollute the planet's atmosphere.

___In November we will elect a new President. He/she will hopefully embrace and value the American idea (Constitution, free market, Judeo-Christian values, rule of law, etc) instead of denigrating and apologizing for it.

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