Saturday, May 14, 2016

The 2016 Election is Critical to Our Republic

___Ted Cruz was my favorite for President of the United States, but the people have spoken. Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee.

___What I would like to see now is whether he will surround himself with limited government advisors. I would support Newt Gingrich as the VP nominee, UN Ambassador John Bolton as Secretary of State, Dr Ben Carson as Secretary of HHS, Gov Chris Christie as Attorney General and Rudi Juliani as head of Homeland Security. Ted Cruz would be an excellent replacement for Scalia at SCotUS!

___Conservatives must vote. Opting out of this election is not an option. Bill Clinton won the 1992 election with a minority because of a third-party candidate, and Obama won in 2012 because 26 million evangelicals stayed home. We also need to elect constitutional conservatives at all levels of government and reinstate the rule of law in America.

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