Sunday, June 21, 2009

Obama Health Care

Is everyone living in the United States entitled to health care? The Obama administration has repeatedly told us about the 47 million who do not have health care. Actually everyone living in the United States has health care. Our laws require hospital emergency rooms to treat everyone who comes to them - including those who have entered the United States illegally. The truth is that the 47 million have health care - they just don't pay for it. Hospitals near the border have had to close their emergency rooms to EVERYONE!
How many of the 47 million are illegals? Of the alleged 9 million children in this group, how many are children of illegals? The SCHIP is supposed to provide better health care for children - paid for by increased taxes on smokers.
Obama says that if you like your doctor(s) and you like your health coverage that you can keep them under his plan - you will just have to pay more in taxes in order to pay for the 47 million who have not paid.
Rahm Emanuel is Obama's Chief of Staff. His brother Zeke is an oncologist for the government at the National Institute of Health. Tom Daschle was nominated as Secretary of HHS until he had to withdraw when the people's representatives would not approve him. Now he will work with Zeke and Obama's health czar Nancy-Ann DeParle to make and sell the plan. These three have formulated the administration's plan and are selling it to the people. They only need 50.1% to agree. Obviously the adults in the 47 million would like to continue getting "free" care (not free to taxpayers).
Until the "Great Society" passed Medicare, doctors were not as well paid. Since taxpayers have guaranteed payment, health care costs have risen dramatically. Many unnecessary tests and procedures have been done not just to protect against malpractice suits but also to get more from the patients (taxpayers). Zeke says that heath care costs have risen 75% since 2000. That is more than 400% of inflation assuming 2.2%/yr inflation.
The Obama plan includes a Value-Added-Tax (VAT) to pay for the costs. The VAT is a hidden tax. The Fair Tax would fund Social Security and Medicare, but the tax would be obvious to people buying things and would not be regressive because of the prebate. The Fair Tax would replace all Federal payroll taxes. The VAT would be an additional tax.
We need a Margaret Thatcher to denationalize banking, insurance, automobile manufacturing, health care, etc. Just like FDR, Obama is making a recession into a Great Depression. What he has done is unConstitutional and in at least 2 instances blatantly illegal: Geithner putting the $68 Billion back into TARP when the authorizing legislation required it to go back to the Treasury; firing Inspector General Walpin without 30-day notification and justification to Congress. Where is the outrage?!

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