Thursday, June 11, 2009

Has The Constitution been shredded?

When I became a military officer, I took an oath to "support
and defend The Constitution against all enemies foreign and
domestic." Federal officials and Congress take the same oath.
If I failed to keep my oath, then I could be court martialed.
A key tenet of The Constitution is the balance of powers
between the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches.
The Internal Revenue Service has evolved into an
unConstitutional entity whereby the IRS makes the rules,
enforces the rules and judges whether the rules have been
kept and what punishment is due.
The Bush and Obama administrations have used the
"housing crisis" - which was caused by Congress, the Fed and
HUD lawsuits and government threats - to nationalize
American businesses.
"Stimulus money" has been used to repay political supporters
like ACORN and the UAW. Contract law has been ignored to
reward the UAW over secured bondholders. Obama's
justification is "I won"!
Obama is appointing "Special Masters" - Czars - for various
government programs. The people have no input, and each
Czar has unConstitutional powers and is accountable only to
the POTUS.
Smokers are being forced to pay for health expenses for
children. Drivers of "clunkers" that get less than 18 mpg can
get $4,500 from taxpayers if they buy a new car that gets at
least 28 mpg or more. I have a 1992 vehicle which gets more
than 18 mpg, so I am not eligible. First-time home buyers can
get up to $8,000 from taxpayers if they buy a new home. I am
not eligible.
Government Motors (GM) will be greatly benefited if it builds
mostly smaller cars and the United States and Canada
(who own 72.5%) dramatically increase gas taxes ($5/gal).

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