Saturday, June 13, 2009

Marxism at the Local Level

Marx wrote "From each according to his abilities; to each according to his needs." He also wrote "The first requisite for the happiness of the people is the abolition of religion."
Local "leaders" and community activists demand that we continually increase taxes on the producers in order to "help" the needy. The supposed "fix" for blighted neighborhoods is for the city/county/state to repair - not just pay for the tools - the disrepair.
This is favored by the majority because they pay no income taxes and low if any property tax, but they still may vote for Marxist candidates who provide "free" food, housing and health care. This is seen as the Christian responsibility of "love your neighbor as yourself."
The old Chinese proverb says "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." The problem comes when most of the fish are gone, and all he knows how to do is fish. What happens to the highly-paid auto worker when the demand for the cars drops, and he has developed no other skills? The unfortunate answer is that he becomes a parasite on society - and part-owner of GM.
The first questions to ask are: Why are they poor? Did they complete school? Are the schools educating? Did they develop life skills? Are they moral or immoral - those who have out-of-wedlock babies and divorces are usually poorer?
Programs like Habitat for Humanity provide a hand up and not a hand out and require personal responsibility - sweat equity - from the recipient.
If we teach survival of the fittest in our classrooms and abortion as a right as the means to improve mankind , then why do we continually devote our precious resources to the least fit?

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