Sunday, June 28, 2009

Cap & Trade by MAGGIC

MAGGIC (Model for the Assessment of Greenhouse-gas Induced
Climate Change) is the federal government's own model for global
warming effects. Predictions over 2000 years in the future are
considered accurate! I can only get 10-day predictions for
weather at the golf course - and they are often incorrect!
The president would now be forced to impose the carbon tariffs —
and could only opt out of doing so with permission from both
chambers of Congress. Carbon-intensive imports would be subject
to penalties at the border unless the country of origin requires
emission reduction measures at least 80 percent as costly as ours.
World Trade Organization rules make it fairly clear that
trade-limiting measures imposed to protect the environment
should have the purpose of protecting the environment,
and not to address any adverse competitiveness effects on domestic
industry. The bill won't do anything measurable to reduce global
warming, we alienate some of our biggest trade partners, we risk a
trade war, and Americans are allowed to emit the same carbon
volumes as the average citizen did in 1867.
Note that Clinton signed Kyoto but did not submit it to the Senate
because a Resolution had passed 99-0 to reject it.
Read full article at

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