Friday, November 20, 2015

Obama Lies Again About Syrian Refugees

___According to the President, the 10,000 Syrian refugees coming before the end of the year will be 3-year old children. Since the United States has already taken over 2500 Syrian refugees, we can look at the statistics:

___Males: over 52%; 21% of whom are military age

___Females: about 48%

___Muslim: mostly Sunni (ISIL Muslims are Sunni).

___Christian: only 53

___The real refugees are the non-Muslims who become sex slaves for ISIL men and the widows and orphans of those murdered. Jordan has taken in many refugees and they are somewhat vetted. I trust Jordan rather than our own government to vet the refugees. The Bible has an explicit vetting for Christians: "Yeshua is Lord!" Sounds good to me!

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