Friday, November 27, 2015

Economic Costs of Same Sex Marriage

___Charlie Sheen is HIV+. In 1989 the AMA Home Medical Encyclopedia gave the following statistics for AIDS cases:

60% Male Homosexual activity

16% Needle sharing by IV drug users

13% Both of the above

11% Other: blood transfers, heterosexual sex with infected partners

___In 2010 the cost to treat HIV+/AIDS was $23,000/yr or $379,668/lifetime in 2010 dollars. The number of carriers by 1989 was over 100,000. The CDC reports new HIV+ cases for the following years:

2006 48,600

2007 56,000

2008 47,800

2009 48,100

___The Supreme Court has declared that “same sex marriage” is legal in all states. The taxpayers must, by law, bear the medical costs of those who cannot afford the treatment – unlike Charlie Sheen. He announced his condition after 4 years, because he was being blackmailed, and it got to be too much. The government is forcifully taking tax dollars and using the money to mitigate the consequences of sin.

___The United States is bankrupt. When the defaults and cutbacks occur, one of the major reasons will be “we spent the money on HIV+/AIDS costs and treatments.”

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