Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Joe Wilson's (SC-2) Congressional schizophrenia:

November 2, 2015

___Joe voted for John Boehner in January. He refused to sign the Mulvaney letter, but then [show] voted against the Boehner-Pelosi CR (to 11 Dec 2015) keeping Planned Parenthood funded. The Export/Import Bank charter had expired 30 June 2015. I have accused Wilson of taking an indirect bribe through the RNC for supporting Ex/IM (Boeing donates millions to RNC (and DNC) which parcels money to Ex/Im supporters).

Export-Import Bank Reauthorization-- Passage - Vote Passed (313-118, 3 Not Voting)

___The chamber moved a measure that reauthorizes the official export credit agency of the United States for four years; sets new, lower, lending caps; aims to increase accountability and transparency at the bank; and directs the president to initiate negotiations to reduce and eventually eliminate government export subsidies worldwide.

Rep. Joe Wilson voted YES

Budget Agreement and Debt Limit -- Passage - Vote Passed (266-167, 2 Not Voting)

___The House agreed to legislation which suspends the debt limit until March 15, 2017, and it partially rolls back the sequester of discretionary spending scheduled for fiscal 2016 and fiscal 2017 to increase caps for those two years by a total of $80 billion, split equally between defense and non-defense. It requires additional funding through the war-related Overseas Contingency Operations account for both years, as well. It also prevents a sharp increase in Medicare Part B premiums for certain beneficiaries in 2016 and keeps the Social Security disability insurance trust fund solvent until 2022. It includes $79.9 billion in mandatory spending cuts and revenue increases to offset the bill's costs, and would reduce the deficit by $497 million according to the Congressional Budget Office.

Rep. Joe Wilson voted YES

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