Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Mass Deportation of Illegal Aliens

___This topic is approached as all or nothing. Absurd! It is impractical to deport 12 million illegals all at one time. It is also impractical to continue to ignore the rule of law. This is a decades-old problem caused by the federal government ignoring immigration law. Reagan naively believed the Democrats in the trade of amnesty of 2.5 million for really good immigration legislation. Employers were penalized if they hired illegal aliens. Laws are for show if they are not enforced. Democrats controlled Congress from 1955 to 1995. If little money is appropriated for enforcement, then it doesn't happen. Democrats control most or all of the “sanctuary cities” where immigration laws are officially ignored.

___Immigration is good. It is also necessary to allow young workers in because the American birth rate is lower than the replacement rate. The promises of past politicians codified into law do not work without a large base in the demographic model. The numbers often cited are 16 workers to 1 receipient in 1935 and 3 to 1 today. The taxes on today's three will be so onerous that workers might rebel or simply not work. The Social Security Trust Fund has no money. The IOUs will have to be paid out of general funds, meaning today's and future workers will have to pay higher taxes to pay for past profligate spending.

___The Inspector General for the Social Security Administration revealed that there are 6.5 million active accounts for people over 112 years old. That means that politicians have allowed SSANs to be reassigned – probably to illegals – so that they might have a pseudo-legal status for employment, pay taxes, and receive payments. This is illegal, but necessary for Democrat New Deal programs to survive.

___To fix the problem, the incentives which allow illegals to enjoy the same benefits as legals must be removed. SSANs given illegally must be revoked. FICA taxes paided by illegals must be added to the Trust Fund anonomyously with no claim by the illegals. Illegals must apply for citizenship through the existing process with no credit for time spent in the country illegally. As part of the legal process, they must swear exclusive allegiance to the United States of America. Felons must be deported. Legal immigration must be based on merit and not family affiliation. Children born in the United States to illegals should be stripped of citizenship if they have not been “subject to the jurisdiction” of the United States. This Constitutional requirement has been illegally ignored, but it is still the Law.

___If employers have knowingly employed illegals in violation of immigration laws, then the penalties of the law must be satisfied.

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