Friday, November 27, 2015

Economic Costs of Same Sex Marriage

___Charlie Sheen is HIV+. In 1989 the AMA Home Medical Encyclopedia gave the following statistics for AIDS cases:

60% Male Homosexual activity

16% Needle sharing by IV drug users

13% Both of the above

11% Other: blood transfers, heterosexual sex with infected partners

___In 2010 the cost to treat HIV+/AIDS was $23,000/yr or $379,668/lifetime in 2010 dollars. The number of carriers by 1989 was over 100,000. The CDC reports new HIV+ cases for the following years:

2006 48,600

2007 56,000

2008 47,800

2009 48,100

___The Supreme Court has declared that “same sex marriage” is legal in all states. The taxpayers must, by law, bear the medical costs of those who cannot afford the treatment – unlike Charlie Sheen. He announced his condition after 4 years, because he was being blackmailed, and it got to be too much. The government is forcifully taking tax dollars and using the money to mitigate the consequences of sin.

___The United States is bankrupt. When the defaults and cutbacks occur, one of the major reasons will be “we spent the money on HIV+/AIDS costs and treatments.”

Friday, November 20, 2015

Obama Lies Again About Syrian Refugees

___According to the President, the 10,000 Syrian refugees coming before the end of the year will be 3-year old children. Since the United States has already taken over 2500 Syrian refugees, we can look at the statistics:

___Males: over 52%; 21% of whom are military age

___Females: about 48%

___Muslim: mostly Sunni (ISIL Muslims are Sunni).

___Christian: only 53

___The real refugees are the non-Muslims who become sex slaves for ISIL men and the widows and orphans of those murdered. Jordan has taken in many refugees and they are somewhat vetted. I trust Jordan rather than our own government to vet the refugees. The Bible has an explicit vetting for Christians: "Yeshua is Lord!" Sounds good to me!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Mass Deportation of Illegal Aliens

___This topic is approached as all or nothing. Absurd! It is impractical to deport 12 million illegals all at one time. It is also impractical to continue to ignore the rule of law. This is a decades-old problem caused by the federal government ignoring immigration law. Reagan naively believed the Democrats in the trade of amnesty of 2.5 million for really good immigration legislation. Employers were penalized if they hired illegal aliens. Laws are for show if they are not enforced. Democrats controlled Congress from 1955 to 1995. If little money is appropriated for enforcement, then it doesn't happen. Democrats control most or all of the “sanctuary cities” where immigration laws are officially ignored.

___Immigration is good. It is also necessary to allow young workers in because the American birth rate is lower than the replacement rate. The promises of past politicians codified into law do not work without a large base in the demographic model. The numbers often cited are 16 workers to 1 receipient in 1935 and 3 to 1 today. The taxes on today's three will be so onerous that workers might rebel or simply not work. The Social Security Trust Fund has no money. The IOUs will have to be paid out of general funds, meaning today's and future workers will have to pay higher taxes to pay for past profligate spending.

___The Inspector General for the Social Security Administration revealed that there are 6.5 million active accounts for people over 112 years old. That means that politicians have allowed SSANs to be reassigned – probably to illegals – so that they might have a pseudo-legal status for employment, pay taxes, and receive payments. This is illegal, but necessary for Democrat New Deal programs to survive.

___To fix the problem, the incentives which allow illegals to enjoy the same benefits as legals must be removed. SSANs given illegally must be revoked. FICA taxes paided by illegals must be added to the Trust Fund anonomyously with no claim by the illegals. Illegals must apply for citizenship through the existing process with no credit for time spent in the country illegally. As part of the legal process, they must swear exclusive allegiance to the United States of America. Felons must be deported. Legal immigration must be based on merit and not family affiliation. Children born in the United States to illegals should be stripped of citizenship if they have not been “subject to the jurisdiction” of the United States. This Constitutional requirement has been illegally ignored, but it is still the Law.

___If employers have knowingly employed illegals in violation of immigration laws, then the penalties of the law must be satisfied.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Productivity and Union Myths

___Unions claim that when productivity increases the wages of workers should increase accordingly. If workers were the sole reason for the increase in productivity, then the argument might be valid. If however the increase in productivity was due to capital investment (automation), then workers claim is false.

___In 1970 the book Future Shock described the economy of the United States since 1607 and predicted the future economy. During the Agricultural Age 98% of Americans were involved in agriculture. As machines and fertilizer increased yields and decreased the need for manual labor, the percentage of Americans who were involved in agriculture dropped to the 2% that we see today. Many of these workers went to work in factories in the Industrial Age. Efficiencies and automation again decreased the need for manual labor, and the percentage of Americans involved in manufacturing has decreased. This has been particularly true in labor-intensive industries where jobs shifted to countries with lower labor costs and more friendly business environments. The invention of the transistor and computers began the Information Age. Many new jobs require a higher technical knowledge than repetitive manufacturing or agricultural jobs. These low-skill jobs are increasingly filled by immigrants - many illegal. We have entered the Global Economy Age where companies from all nations compete for consumer dollars.

___The demographics of the developed nations is working against the increasingly generous federal and state retirement and health care programs. The United States at 1.8 children for the average family is below the 2.1 children needed for replacement. Because the average lifetime is at least a decade longer than in 1935, the funds promised to Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid recipients fall far short of what has been expected. Between the national debt ($18.5T) and unfunded liabilities ($98.9T), payments for these programs will be decreased or stopped entirely. We saw in Greece where this resulted in rioting in the streets. The government's solution to our demographic problem is to open the border to illegal immigration. These illegals will "do the jobs that Americans do not want to do." At the same time taxpayers will pay workers up to 99 weeks not to work.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Joe Wilson's (SC-2) Congressional schizophrenia:

November 2, 2015

___Joe voted for John Boehner in January. He refused to sign the Mulvaney letter, but then [show] voted against the Boehner-Pelosi CR (to 11 Dec 2015) keeping Planned Parenthood funded. The Export/Import Bank charter had expired 30 June 2015. I have accused Wilson of taking an indirect bribe through the RNC for supporting Ex/IM (Boeing donates millions to RNC (and DNC) which parcels money to Ex/Im supporters).

Export-Import Bank Reauthorization-- Passage - Vote Passed (313-118, 3 Not Voting)

___The chamber moved a measure that reauthorizes the official export credit agency of the United States for four years; sets new, lower, lending caps; aims to increase accountability and transparency at the bank; and directs the president to initiate negotiations to reduce and eventually eliminate government export subsidies worldwide.

Rep. Joe Wilson voted YES

Budget Agreement and Debt Limit -- Passage - Vote Passed (266-167, 2 Not Voting)

___The House agreed to legislation which suspends the debt limit until March 15, 2017, and it partially rolls back the sequester of discretionary spending scheduled for fiscal 2016 and fiscal 2017 to increase caps for those two years by a total of $80 billion, split equally between defense and non-defense. It requires additional funding through the war-related Overseas Contingency Operations account for both years, as well. It also prevents a sharp increase in Medicare Part B premiums for certain beneficiaries in 2016 and keeps the Social Security disability insurance trust fund solvent until 2022. It includes $79.9 billion in mandatory spending cuts and revenue increases to offset the bill's costs, and would reduce the deficit by $497 million according to the Congressional Budget Office.

Rep. Joe Wilson voted YES

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Mainstream Media - The SuperPAC of the Democrats and Establishment Republicans

___In the Republican Debates Carl, Becky and John were more like reporters from The Enquirer that reporters from a legitimate financial network! Ted Cruz was amazing to remember and recount every attacking question and unload on the "moderators" like a machine gun. ___It was a waste of valuable time - as were the timely interruptions to get in another 5 minutes of commercials - to ask again about Trump's bankruptcies in Atlantic City, Carly's firing, Mario's missing votes, etc. They failed to cover many substantive policy issues and nuances because of their "gotcha questions." By the way "Are you still beating you wife?"; "Are you still having sex with your secretary?" The Enquirer wants to know!