Friday, November 23, 2012

The "Crisis" of Global Climate Change?

Some Americans seem to be falling for the “crisis” of “climate change.” This is yet another “crisis” created by politicians in D.C. to increase the take and power of government. It is based on junk science. Cap and trade legislation failed in 2010, but it is a monster which will not die!

Hurricane Sandy is being blamed on climate change. Hurricanes Dennis, Emily, Katrina, Rita and Wilma in 2005 were also blamed on “global warming.” The problem with this is that more hurricanes would occur every year – otherwise it is just the normal weather cycle. In 2006 and following years there was very light tropical storm activity – especially storms affecting the United States.

Note that the scientists – who depend on politicians for their income – have changed the problem from “global warming” to “global climate change”, since the planet has been cooling for the last decade. In 1975 the Newsweek cover story was “The Coming Ice Age!”

The “worst” greenhouse gas is water vapor. The Sun shines on seas heating the water and causing evaporation. The water vapor forms clouds and eventually falls to Earth as rain. This is the Water Cycle that we studied in Physical Science.

Politicians ignore water vapor because they cannot tax the Sun. Carbon dioxide is blamed instead. It has been claimed that CO2 is produced by man (and woman). This is true. We exhale CO2, plants “breathe” it in and give off O2 which is necessary for human and animal life. Humans also release CO2 every time we open a carbonated beverage. A knee-jerk reaction would be a tax on people for exhaling and on carbonated beverages. Coke and Pepsi might object!

Scientists can be good or bad. They can have no integrity. If I am a climatologist, then I will seek grants to study climate change. If I am morally bankrupt, then I will “prove” the premise of the grant. I may exagerate the true effects of climate change: a sea-level rise of 20 feet instead of the expected 7 inches/century!

The United States did not sign the Kyoto (or Copenhagen) treaty because BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) nations and other “developing nations” were not made responsible for climate controls or subsequent costs. This gave them a significant economic advantage over those who had to bear the costs. President Clinton did not send the treaty to the Republican-controlled Senate. President Obama will again agree to climate control through the United Nations and send the treaty to the Democrat-controlled Senate for ratification. American sovereignty will be transferred to bureaucrats at the U.N. by treaty!

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