Saturday, November 10, 2012

Louisiana Residents Petition to Secede

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another ..."

Philadelphia, July 4, 1776?

No! Slidell, LA, Nov. 7, 2012 the day after the election.

I think this is a good idea. I stated this in a letter to the editor on 6 November 2008. Obama will destroy the United States. Those states like MA, NY, IL, NV and CA which have followed a similar course as Obama are bankrupt. Since all voted for Obama, he will surely take from the "red states" and "invest" in these "blue states" which practice a progressive socialism. The federal taxpayer funds will be to pay for "teachers, firefighters, police and infrastructure." That will free up other state funds to pay for abortions and other sins at taxpayer expense. They can name the bill "America and Apple Pie Act." Who would vote against that?

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