Saturday, November 10, 2012

Four States Elected Obama

Four states (FL, OH, VA and WA) won the election for Barack Obama. The total electoral votes in these states is 72. If all four had gone to Romney instead of Obama then the totals would be 278 to 260 with Romney winning instead of 332 to 206 with Obama winning. The difference in these four states was Gary Johnson, Libertarian, and to a lesser extent Jill Stein, Green Party.

Libertarians are fiscally conservative but socially liberal. The Greens are against anything which would damage the environment. I assume that they are for alternative energy.

If you add Johnson's votes to Romney in each state, then Romney wins the Presidency. To be fair, if Stein's votes are given to Obama, then Romney only wins VA and WA and Obama is re-elected.

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