Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Role of the Federal government

The role of the Federal government is enumerated in the
Constitution. Other roles are retained by the people and the states.
Jimmy Carter was wrong to create the Cabinet offices and huge
Departments of Education and Energy. You favor:
1) "Federal" money for research grants at universities
2) "Federal" money for low interest loans and scholarships
3) "Federal" money for grants to teachers and administrators
I can not find any of these in the enumerated powers of the
Federal government, so I am against them.
The Savannah River National Laboratory is the newest of the
National Labs, and it is located in your district. Research for the
common benefit should be funded and coordinated by the
National Labs. Research should be for Constitutional purposes -
national defense, etc.
Loans and scholarships are necessary because lottery money has
so increased the demand that tuition at state universities has
increased more than 1000% since I went to Augusta College
(ASU now) in the 1960s. I would like to see corporations do this
instead of government. If the Fair Tax is passed, then
corporations will not be taxed except to buy new supplies. They
have the incentive to pay for the best employees. I like the co-op
program in which your education is reinforced by work in a
chosen career during alternating terms.
Merit bonuses should be given by the people who appreciate the
person the most - the parents.
The Department of Energy spent $13B of utility customer money
on Yucca Mountain. Now Nevada has reneged citing NIMBY. We
want our money back!

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