Saturday, March 13, 2010

Harmful Energy Policy

With an economy struggling to regain sound footing, Energy Secretary
Steven Chu advocated a starvation diet devoid of additional fossil fuels
that are to remain under the ground and seabed. Instead, he supports
53% more funding for wind research and a 22% jump for solar
research.To leave vast stores of domestic energy untapped while
Americans are looking for cheap energy and jobs is irresponsible.
Unfortunately, this administration has no long-term energy solution,
other than hoping for a lot of cloudless and windy days.
There is a national security aspect when we import about 9 million
barrels of oil each week at a cost of about $80/barrel. This money is
used to educate Islamic terrorists who want to kill us. We have
enough coal, oil, natural gas and nuclear energy to be energy
independent right now!

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