Thursday, March 11, 2010

5 Points of ObamaCare

1.) Nearly half of a trillion dollars in Medicare cuts. This is a
program that will be broke in six years, yet the Senate bill does nothing
to put it on firm financial footing

2.) Dramatic expansion of government. The Senate bill creates
159 new offices, agencies, and programs. What will these new agencies,
commissions, and programs do? They will regulate, they will dictate,
they will spend.

3.) Raises taxes by more than $500 billion by raising payroll
taxes, fines to businesses, new investment taxes, fees on medical
technology companies

4.) Corrupt backroom deals to buy votes, like the Cornhusker
Kickback, Louisiana Purchase, and exemptions for certain states and
companies so they avoid new regulations or cuts that others will bear

5.) Taxpayer funded abortion coverage. Individuals can use
federal subsidies to help pay for insurance that covers abortion, and
they buy abortion coverage through an insurance exchange that the
federal government creates, funds, and administers. Thus the federal
government will be actively promoting and facilitating the purchase
of abortion coverage.

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