Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Deja Vu all over again

The Depression of the 1930s has been studied ad nauseam. The
recession became a depression because both Hoover and FDR
chose to keep wages high and to protect American industry.

The Democrats of today want a higher minimum wage and have
repeatedly tried to pass legislation (Graham-Schumer) and rules
which are illegal under the World Trade Organization treaty
(embedded in "stimulus" bills).

Under FDR, unemployment was above 18% until the war. Under
FDR II (Obama) unemployment continues to rise above his
stated 8% peak. It is now 9.5% and rising. Both ran up incredible
deficits. Wasn't the gas tax to pay for the infrastructure (roads
and bridges) that cars and trucks used? Instead we taxpayers
will give big federal contracts to Obama supporters and $4,500
to those who have been wasteful with energy! I drive a 17 year-old
Honda, but it gets more than 18mpg. Sorry Charlie, you're not

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