Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Animal Farm by George Orwell

I bought a copy at the Salvation Army and just finished reading
it. The animals revolt and take over the Jones' [Manor] Farm.
The pigs - being the smartest - take control. Napoleon and
Snowball represent Stalin and Trotsky. I see Snowball as
Obama on the campaign, and Napoleon as Obama after
inauguration. Squealer is Robert Gibbs.
This makes the story much more meaningful and educational
when history is rewritten and the 7 Commandments are
modified as necessary.
The major project is the building (and rebuilding) of the
windmill. It reminds one of Don Quixote's jousts. Perhaps
Obama's "windmill" is the global warming "crisis."
Boxer becomes eligible for retirement and is sent to the glue
factory. Euthanasia will become popular and "reasonable"
when Medicare and Social Security go negative and become
a drain on society.

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