Thursday, September 3, 2015

What is the Free Exercise of Religion?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

Too many believe that religion involves buildings and only Sundays [or Saturdays] and Wednesday nights. The Bible describes a changed life which is 24/7!

Ted Cruz: Where is the call for President Obama to resign for ignoring and defying our immigration laws, our welfare reform laws, and even his own Obamacare? When the mayor of San Francisco and President Obama resign, then we can talk about Kim Davis.

Those who are persecuting Kim Davis believe that Christians should not serve in public office. That is the consequence of their position. Or, if Christians do serve in public office, they must disregard their religious faith–or be sent to jail.

Kim Davis should not be in jail. We are a country founded on Judeo-Christian values, founded by those fleeing religious oppression and seeking a land where we could worship God and live according to our faith, without being imprisoned for doing so.

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