Sunday, September 27, 2015

Allowing Immigrants From Africa and the Middle East

___It is naive to become protectionist after causing much of the crisis with the American government's failed foreign policy.

___To those who say that the immigrants would take the jobs of American workers, I say that you are no better than those in the 1930s who turned their backs on the Jews in Nazi Germany. In the 1930s unemployment averaged about 20%. Currently the DOL says that it is only 5%. Even with a Labor Participation Rate of 63% (lowest in 40 years), we are far more able to take more of these desperate people. The other fact is that our population demographics does not support the current welfare and Social Security system. Much has been said about the 15 to 1 and 3 to 1 ratios of payers to takers in 1936 and today respectively.

___This immigration would be legal. Ellis Island as well as the GTMO naval station could be used to screen potential immigrants for diseases and whether they would be an asset to the nation. Immigrants should learn English and swear exclusive allegiance to the United States. Bobby Jindal said: Immigration without assimilation is invasion. The United States does not need to be invaded again!

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