Friday, September 25, 2015

Backroom Deal Between Boehner and Pelosi?

“I will say, the early reports are discouraging. If it is correct that the Speaker, before he resigns, has cut a deal with Nancy Pelosi to fund the Obama administration for the rest of its tenure, to fund Obamacare, to fund executive amnesty, to fund Planned Parenthood, to fund implementation of this Iran deal — and then, presumably, to land in a cushy K Street job after joining with the Democrats to implement all of President Obama’s priorities, that is not the behavior one would expect of a Republican speaker of the House,” Cruz told reporters at the conservative Values Voter Summit in Washington.

Ted Cruz is an honest, trustworthy, smart man. If he says this, then we have cause for concern!


Update 10/5:The House voted 277-151 last Wednesday to pass a so-called "clean" two-month continuing resolution (CR) that preserved federal funding for Planned Parenthood. This CR sets a new deadline for December 11, about the same time that negotiations for budget caps and tax extenders will be underway.

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