Sunday, September 27, 2015

Allowing Immigrants From Africa and the Middle East

___It is naive to become protectionist after causing much of the crisis with the American government's failed foreign policy.

___To those who say that the immigrants would take the jobs of American workers, I say that you are no better than those in the 1930s who turned their backs on the Jews in Nazi Germany. In the 1930s unemployment averaged about 20%. Currently the DOL says that it is only 5%. Even with a Labor Participation Rate of 63% (lowest in 40 years), we are far more able to take more of these desperate people. The other fact is that our population demographics does not support the current welfare and Social Security system. Much has been said about the 15 to 1 and 3 to 1 ratios of payers to takers in 1936 and today respectively.

___This immigration would be legal. Ellis Island as well as the GTMO naval station could be used to screen potential immigrants for diseases and whether they would be an asset to the nation. Immigrants should learn English and swear exclusive allegiance to the United States. Bobby Jindal said: Immigration without assimilation is invasion. The United States does not need to be invaded again!

Friday, September 25, 2015

Backroom Deal Between Boehner and Pelosi?

“I will say, the early reports are discouraging. If it is correct that the Speaker, before he resigns, has cut a deal with Nancy Pelosi to fund the Obama administration for the rest of its tenure, to fund Obamacare, to fund executive amnesty, to fund Planned Parenthood, to fund implementation of this Iran deal — and then, presumably, to land in a cushy K Street job after joining with the Democrats to implement all of President Obama’s priorities, that is not the behavior one would expect of a Republican speaker of the House,” Cruz told reporters at the conservative Values Voter Summit in Washington.

Ted Cruz is an honest, trustworthy, smart man. If he says this, then we have cause for concern!


Update 10/5:The House voted 277-151 last Wednesday to pass a so-called "clean" two-month continuing resolution (CR) that preserved federal funding for Planned Parenthood. This CR sets a new deadline for December 11, about the same time that negotiations for budget caps and tax extenders will be underway.

Boehner Will Resign - Do Not Trust Establishment Republicans

___With Rep Meadows resolution to "vacate the chair," discussion has continued about dethroning John Boehner. He has now announced that he will step down (and out) as Speaker on 30 October. Do not trust Boehner or establishment Republicans. The timing (5 days until the end of the FY) is suspect as is waiting until one month into FY16. The vacate the chair movement is evidently gaining steam and forcing the issue.

___The media is giving the knee-jerk analysis: Kevin McCarthy (R-CA, Majority Leader) is the most likely replacement. He is yet another establishment Republican with a 63% Heritage Action score. The Speaker of the House is next in line after the Vice President to become President. Since the Speaker does not have to be a member of the House of Representatives, why not select one of the Republican Presidential candidates with political experience. Those who care have seen each candidate in the televised debates and YouTube videos and know them better than an establishment Republican in the House. Pressure should be put on John Boehner to resign NOW while the writing is on the wall!

___My personal choices would be Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindal or Scott Walker.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Rod Martin: Should America Pay Reparations for Slavery?

1. Why should a bunch of Irish people, or Mexicans, or Chinese, who arrived in America after 1865 have to pay for these reparations? And even if they were specifically exempted somehow, how would they not suffer the economic effects of this economic chaos resulting from such a giant expropriation?

2. Will blacks who are partially of white descent have to pay? If not, why not?

3. Why should anyone who had nothing to do with slavery have to pay anyone for anything?

4. Why should anyone who was not personally enslaved receive any compensation for what happened to someone else?

5. If African Americans are to receive compensation for the oppression their ancestors experienced, why should they not have to immediately pay some or all of it to the descendants of the Union soldiers who died or were maimed freeing those same ancestors?

___Why are these activists not vehemently opposed to current day slavery throughout the planet?

Coburn - The Number One Problem in D.C.

___The number one problem in Washington, D.C. is career politicians want re-election more than fixing problems with America. According to former OK Senator Tom Coburn, MD, the problem will best be fixed by an Article V Convention of states. He is referring to the second way that the U.S. Constitution is amended: 2/3 of the states (34) propose amendments to the Constitution. The Congress proposing amendments fails when the needed amendment will limit their power or term limit. An Article V Convention of states becomes necessary to impose term limits for Congress and the courts, limit spending (Balanced Budget Amendment), reform the tax system, etc. See the book Liberty Amendments by Mark Levin for possibilities with explanations why they are needed.

___Currently 37 states have endorsed an Article V Convention of states in at least one part of their state legislature.

___As with amendments proposed by Congress, amendments proposed by an Article V Convention of states must still be ratified by 3/4 of the states. The founding fathers made change difficult. They were very gifted, intelligent men!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Hooray for Dr Ben Carson

___Shari'ah law is not compatible with the United States Constitution.

___How could a Muslim President take the oath of office?: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Homosexual Selected as Secretary of the Army!

___Governor Mike Huckabee, who has never shied away from speaking out on these issues, blasted the administration for caring more about its politically correct legacy than America's national security. "It's clear President Obama is more interested in appeasing America's homosexuals than honoring America's heroes... Obama is so obsessed with pandering to liberal interest groups he's nominated an openly gay civilian to run the Army. Homosexuality is not a job qualification."

___My condolences to those who have served. Barry doesn't get it!

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Discrimination by the United States Government

___The Web site openly reflects the discrimination of the Federal government against male citizens. The site says SELECTIVE SERVICE SYSTEM ; Official Site of the United States Government. It's stated mission:

“…To furnish manpower to the Defense Department during a national emergency, to manage alternative service for men classified as conscientious objectors, and to register, with only a few exceptions, all male U.S. citizens and male immigrants residing in the United States who are ages 18 through 25...”

___It is hypocritical for women to want equal pay (this has been Federal law since the Equal Pay Act of 1963), and not accept responsibility of protecting the United States!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

What is the Free Exercise of Religion?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

Too many believe that religion involves buildings and only Sundays [or Saturdays] and Wednesday nights. The Bible describes a changed life which is 24/7!

Ted Cruz: Where is the call for President Obama to resign for ignoring and defying our immigration laws, our welfare reform laws, and even his own Obamacare? When the mayor of San Francisco and President Obama resign, then we can talk about Kim Davis.

Those who are persecuting Kim Davis believe that Christians should not serve in public office. That is the consequence of their position. Or, if Christians do serve in public office, they must disregard their religious faith–or be sent to jail.

Kim Davis should not be in jail. We are a country founded on Judeo-Christian values, founded by those fleeing religious oppression and seeking a land where we could worship God and live according to our faith, without being imprisoned for doing so.

Former CIA Officer on Muslim Infiltration and Obama Response

Claire Lopez believed the Muslim Brotherhood has thoroughly infiltrated the Obama administration and other branches of the federal government.

She also came to the conclusion Obama had essentially the same goals in the Mideast as the late Osama bin Laden: “to remove American power and influence, including military forces, from Islamic lands.”

Read more:

Steinle Family Sues SF, ICE and BLM

In 2011, a California appeals court rejected a similar lawsuit. In that case, the wife of Anthony Bologna alleged that San Francisco’s sanctuary policy contributed to the shooting death of her husband and their two sons by a Salvadoran illegal immigrant who was suspected of being a member of a violent gang.

Like the Steinles, Bologna claimed that the city had been negligent by failing to report her family’s murder to federal authorities despite having been in contact with police for drug and violent crimes he committed while a juvenile.

“The Obama administration likes these sanctuary policies for political reasons and doesn’t care about the untold suffering they cause,” he said. “What needs to happen but won’t under the current administration is that the federal government should sue cities like San Francisco for their reckless, dangerous policies that violate federal immigration law.”