Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I Told You So in November 2008!

Ok, Barack Obama, let's see what you will do! The rust belt
and other liberals have elected you. You will tax the rich
and give the money to the needy, as Marx wanted.

Many are poor because they dropped out of government schools
due to pregnancy or laziness. Surely they know how to spend
the money better than the rich ...

U.S. workers assumed that their assembly-line jobs would be
there forever, with continuous raises and growing benefits.
Why not erect tariffs like Hoover and FDR and keep wages high?
Let's raise the minimum wage to $100 an hour? Now that is a
"living wage!"

Oh, yeah, didn't unemployment average 18 percent during the

Obama and his Democratic Congress should be able to tax the
rich to create government jobs in the rust belt. They can put
tariffs on imports, and trading partners will surely do the
same to our exports. Who needs that $650 billion of business
from exports anyway? Obama and Congress can find the workers
government jobs elsewhere -- CCC, NRA, PWA, TVA, etc. Surely
American businesses will pay a higher tax rather than move
their companies to Hong Kong, Singapore, Ireland or Australia
where business taxes are much less!

Obama will appoint Hillary and liberals like her to the
Supreme Court and federal courts to insure that "the living
Constitution says what I say it says." Confirmation hearings
will last minutes rather than months, with the Dems in charge
of Congress.

For those of us in the sun belt and Midwest who understand
personal responsibility and learn broad skills in case change
happens, we should do what our forefathers did when that other
president from Illinois was elected: secede from the United
Socialist States of America, USSA, and form the Conservative
States of America, CSA.

LTE: 12 Nov 2008

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