Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Continuing Crisis in America

The Democrats controlled both the Senate and the House
of Representatives for 40 years from 1955 to 1995. During
the 1980s President Reagan compromised with the Democrats
and gave amnesty to millions of criminals in return for
tough legislation on illegal immigration. Reagan was duped
by the Democrats. Laws which are passed but never enforced
are meaningless. When the states tried to enforce the
existing laws, Obama and Attorney General Holder sued them.
This same Democrat Congress decreed that hospitals with ERs
must provide emergency medical treatment to everyone –
legal or illegal – without Federal taxpayer compensation
(1986 EMTALA/COBRA). Hospitals only choice was to close
their Emergency Rooms to everyone. Those who kept their
ERs passed their costs on to the insured and taxpayers.

President Obama formed the National Commission on Fiscal
Responsibility and Reform in 2010. They met from April
through December 2010 when their 65-page report report was
published. Obama ignored it. Now we have the “super
committee” which is necessary only because 2012 is an
election year and Congress does not want painful but
necessary spending cuts associated with them.

The Republican “leadership” in the people's House has caved
to Democrat tactics in several Continuing Resolutions and
an irresponsible Debt Ceiling increase. The House of
Representatives passed a budget in HR1. The Senate has not
passed a budget (over 900 days) since they controlled all
of Congress and before January 2011 when the newly-elected
crop of conservatives took office.

The last time that the budget was balanced was when the
Republicans – led by Newt Gingrich – controlled both the
Senate and the House from 1995 until 2006. The four budget
surpluses that Clinton takes credit for occurred during
1998 through 2001 (the first Bush year and the year of 9/11).
The Federal government was shut down several times before
Clinton finally compromised. Boehner and Cantor by
comparison have been traitors to those conservatives in OH
and VA who elected them and to the American people who
demand fiscal responsibility.

Obama is doing the same illegal things that FDR did. The
Federal Government has no place in fixing prices, violating
contract law, selectively building infrastructure in states
necessary for elections in 2010 and 2012, and using the EPA
and NLRB and the Czars and Cabinet Departments for
manipulation of elections. Although Obama and most of his
advisors are academics with little if any experience in
business, the Federal government is centrally planning and
controlling the national and state economies as FDR did in
his time of “crisis”. As a result, millions of Americans
remain unemployed as millions did in the decade of the 1930s.
The depression under Coolidge in the 1920s lasted a very
short time because the government and the Federal Reserve
allowed the business cycle to complete normally. Keynes
sent long letters to FDR in the 1930s to correct the
government's implementation of his theory. The Federal
Reserve is failing at its primary mission of maintaining a
strong dollar while creating bubbles of many kinds which
disrupt American business and trade and taxing everyone by
devaluing the currency. Obama took three years to implement
trade agreements which the Bush Administration had negotiated.
The isolationist Smoot-Hawley tariffs of the FDR-era similarly
minimized jobs in for-export industries.

The Federal government had subsidized financial institutions
which made student loans. The subsidies were dropped and
taxpayers are now in the banking business. With education a
failure in America, graduates are finding themselves unprepared
for the current economy while severely burdened with student
debt. In the past the Federal government has “forgiven” debt.
This cost – along with that if the IMF and World Bank
“contributions” to bail out Europe – will be paid by American

As Reagan's mentor, Margaret Thatcher saved Great Britain while
in office. Daniel Hannan, a conservative member of the European
Parliament, pleads with Americans to avoid the path to European
socialism. I highly recommend his videos on YouTube!

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