Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Hillsdale College Fall Free-Market Forum

Hillsdale is one of the best-rated colleges in the nation.
It is one of the few truly conservative colleges. Its
influence grew immeasurably with the opening of the Kirby
Center on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.
I just attended the fall Free-Market Forum in Atlanta, GA.
As usual, everything about the event was outstanding.
The speaker Thursday night is a modern-day Margaret Thatcher.
He is a conservative member of the EU Parliament. Hopefully
Daniel Hannan will get much responsibility in the EU and in
Great Britain. Like Lady Thatcher, Daniel tried to warn the
United States to avoid the path to European socialism which we
are currently following.
The speakers for the Friday morning – The National Debt
and Entitlement Reform
- and – Can We Shrink the Federal Bureaucracy – sessions and the Friday afternoon – The Debate over Public Sector Unions – session - were experts in their areas and articulate in their presentations.
The luncheon and dinner speakers on Friday were superb.
My Governor (SC), Nikki Haley, received a standing ovation
before and after she spoke.
I highly recommend Hillsdale College events. I thoroughly
enjoyed the lectures and the 5 free meals! Why any
conservative would miss these events is a mystery! All
sessions were recorded and should be available on the internet
and in a future Imprimis. Please read Imprimis; it is the best
cure for ignorance that I know of!


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