Monday, March 7, 2011

Do Not Raise the Debt Limit!

The Unites States will soon reach the debt limit set
by the Congress. Only 218 of the 241 Republican
Congressmen need to vote NO for the debt limit to stay
the same. This will require spending to match revenues.
Liberals/progressives who want no limits on spending
will warn that the Unites States will default on the debt.
The cash flow for the Federal government is about
$200B/month. This is adequate to service the debt and
have enough left to pay for essential services – like our
If our credit card is denied because we have spent the
limit, then the solution is NOT to get the spending limit
raised. It is to spend less.
The proposed $100B cut in spending is far too small.
If the deficit is $1500B each year and Congress cuts
spending by only $100B each year, the the United States
debt increases $1400B each year.
If you are spending $1010/month more than you earn and
you cut that to $1000/month more than you earn, then you
will soon be bankrupt.
The United States will reach its debt limit about 15
April. Our creditors are closely watching our actions. We
will hit the wall sooner if they sell our current debt and
permanently cease buying our debt.
Substantially cutting the Departments of Education, Energy
and Agriculture and phasing them out completely will achieve
the required spending cuts.
Jeff Duncan has pledged to vote NO unless both the House
and Senate pass a Balanced Budget Amendment. A Balanced
Budget Amendment is not likely! It will require a 2/3 vote
and then ratification by 3/4 of the states.

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