Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Obama's Health Care Speech

Did he not say that it would be illegal not to have health
insurance? He compared health insurance to auto insurance.
People can choose not to drive or to buy the minimum (liability
only) insurance. How does that work with health insurance?

Those 8.4 million 18-25 year olds who consider themselves
indestructible and choose not to buy health insurance will
be subject to fines and imprisonment. Those 18 million who
can afford health insurance, but choose not pay for it
because they can self insure, also will be subject to fines
and imprisonment.
Because these 26.4 million will be new policies, the Federal
government will tax the insurance companies. Isn't this an
indirect tax on the individuals who Obama promised no tax

Did he not say that it would be illegal for an insurance
company to deny coverage due to a pre-existing condition or
an existing illness? Assuming the punishment will be fines
and/or imprisonment, doesn't this interfere with the way the
insurance industry balances risk with higher premiums?

Did he not say that illegal aliens would not be covered under
his health reform? Who will pay for their Emergency Room

Did he not say that the reductions to Medicare and Medicaid
would be put back by stopping fraud and abuse? Why has that
not been done since the inception in the 1960s?

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