Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Global Warming again?

Obama was at the "United" Nations Climate Change Summit
in New York yesterday. The big meeting (Kyoto 2) is
scheduled for Copenhagen, Denmark in December.

Secretary of Energy Chu said Monday "The American public -
just like your teenage kids - aren't acting in a way that
they should act. The American public has to really understand
in their core how important this issue is."
This full-court press is necessary to convince us irresponsible
teens that this really is a crisis - and one not to be wasted!
Otherwise, how will the cap and trade tax be passed?

Charles Perry, a research hydrologist with the U.S. Geological
Survey in Lawrence, Kan., says there's a growing sense in the
scientific community that the earth may be entering into a
"grand minimum" — an extended period with low numbers of
sunspots that results in cooler planetary temperatures.

In July through August of this year, 51 consecutive days passed
without a sunspot, one day short of the record. As of Sept. 15,
the current solar minimum — with 717 spotless days since 2004 —
ranks as the third longest on record.

Perry cites data indicating that global temperature fluctuations
correspond to a statistically significant degree with the length
of the sunspot cycle and variations in solar activity. 1816, the
"year without a summer," was during an 1800 to 1830 grand
minimum when Europe became significantly cooler.

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