Thursday, September 3, 2009

Forgotten items

Why is tax reform a forgotten item? The Fair Tax would have
solved many of the problems we now see as tax scandals. It would
also really stimulate the economy.
What about illegal immigration? The number of new illegals has
decreased since the recession started, but the problem has not gone
away. Every day that Congress ignores this exacerbates the problem.
A small part of the solution is for Congress to clarify the 14th
amendment with a simple bill (you spent $2 billion with a 2 page
bill to extend the clunker bill):

Citizenship shall not be granted on the basis of an illegal act.

Obviously - to me - the 1868 amendment was not meant to confer
citizenship to babies of illegals. Congress can fix this, but every day
makes the problem worse, because they will not renege on
citizenship already granted. These "anchor babies" then give an
excuse to grant citizenship to the extended family. All of these will
cut in line in front of those who request citizenship through legal

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