Monday, April 6, 2009

Current threats

Economic threat:
China and Japan hold about a Trillion U.S. Dollars (USD) each. Unless
they - and the rest of the world - continue to loan us money, then we
will have to print more USDs. I do not believe that we will have
inflation like Germany after WWI - the USD was worth 4.2 marks in
1918 and 4,200,000,000,000 marks in 1923!

Military threat:
A single launch vehicle (FOBS) with 11 independently-targeted re-entry
vehicles (MIRVs) can totally destroy:
Los Angeles, Phoenix, Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston, Denver, Miami,
New York City, Chicago, Atlanta, Washington, D.C. and Boston.
The warning will be less than 5 minutes when the MIRVs re-enter from
the fractional orbit.

Climate threat: Miniscule. The real threat is to let the United Nations'
Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change control world economies.

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