Sunday, July 12, 2015

SCotUS Decision on Same-Sex Marriage is Bizarre!

___Even if the Justices supported same-sex marriage, to extend it to ALL states is bizarre. May a prostitute from Nevada - where prostitution is legal - practice her/his trade in a state where prostitution is illegal? What is the difference in the sin of sodomy being legalized and the sin of prostitution being legalized? What about marijuana use and sales? Will the states that currently prohibit this be forced to allow use and sales by people from states where this is legal?

___To make this decision the five Justices appealed to the 14th Amendment while ignoring the 10th Amendment. This is bizarre since the 10th was a part of the original Bill of Rights and the 14th was ratified in 1868 to protect the rights of freed slaves! Note that the 14th is a favorite of "legislators from the bench" for birthright citizenship, legalizing abortion, overturning the vote of Florida, etc. Two of the five Justices had performed same-sex marriages and should have recused themselves.

___In the 1800s, Wisconsin refused to honor the illegal Dred Scott (blacks are not human) decision. Current-day legal authorities should follow this precedent!

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